“Saved her,” Rok reads, “For you.”
I shake my head, wishing we had a more mature ship. Leva thought she was helping us, giving us a gift or a slave? I can’t get angry with her. She’s basically a child. “Leva, now we are all in danger. You need to tell us when things happen so we can make a proper decision. You can’t allow people onboard without our permission.”
“This time different,” she communicates via the console.
“Why?” I ask.
“Help you with shift.”
“No. She won’t. Next time something unusual happens, first ask, alright?” I say with as much kindness as I can.
Shax, Leva just frexed us all.
Ineed to get the hell out of here. Their leader, theiralpha, Serrat, was ready to rip my head off. Zeek is overly touchy-feely. Rok sounds like he’s ready to toss me out an airlock.
I don’t trust any of them to keep theirpawsoff of me.
I’d laugh at that if it were funny.Okay, it’s a little funny.
No, it isn’t.Focus!
I try to force my arms to move. Nothing. I can move my mouth and eyes. But I can’t even wiggle my toes.
What are they talking about in their private conference? Are they deciding whether to throw me out, eat me, oreatme? My pulse races. There is a tingling sensation where the males have touched my skin that persists even without them in the room. I must be allergic. My skin itches and feels super sensitive, but at the same time, I crave more of the sensation that comes with with their touch.
Maybe they have an aphrodisiac in their skin. That would explain my body’s response to them.
The containment field they have me in is driving me insane. Call me crazy, but I don’t like being immobilized,especiallyafter an abduction.
I can’t breathe. I can’t get a lung full of air. I’m dizzy. I’m going to die!
“Help!” I yell.
A second later, the males rush inside the room. All of them are standing a good five feet from me.
“What is it?” Serrat asks, glancing around and looking for a threat.
“I can’t breathe!” Oh, god, I hope they let me out. Maybe I can escape if they do.
“Rok?” Serrat asks his grumpy crew mate.
I get my first good look at Rok. He looks like the jackal god, Anubis. He glances at his medical panel and then at me, appearing perplexed. “She’s getting enough oxygen. It’s her carbon dioxide levels that have droppedtoomuch.”
Oh… I’m hyperventilating. I need to calm myself. But I can’t while I’m tied down.
“Let me move! Please,” I yell. “What do you expect me to do? I’m naked. Unarmed.”
“She has a point.” Zeek shrugs and winks at me when they aren’t looking.
“Fine. Release her. Confine her to the empty quarters,” Serrat says and walks out.
Rok punches some buttons on his controller, and I can finally move. I exhale a huge sigh of relief as I sit up. I cover my breasts with my arms. Not like they haven’t seen everything, but I don’t want them to think I want their eyes on me.