I sigh in relief.
I will have a female in my life… finally.
Ican’t move my body, except to open my eyes and see that I’m on a spaceship. It’s clear from the rich leathery walls that surround me I’m not on the furball slaver’s metallic ship. Ah, good. The new males didn’t return me to the slavers.
At least, Ihopethat’s good…
Then my face burns red with embarrassment when I remember what happened before the collar knocked me unconscious. All my bits were sticking out on full display. The damned ship seemed to have come alive and snapped closed around me when I tried to hide in the vents.
Then the first alien touched me. It was too much, too intense. I’m sure he could see how my body reacted to him. I can’t believe I responded that way. I’ve never been that aroused in my life. Maybe I’m messed up in the head. Or could the aliens have some kind of ability? Sex-drugs?
I stop that line of thought. Even if my body wanted him inside me, I wasn’t about to let himtakeme like that.
When the second alien touched my hip, his touch settled me, and I felt safe. But I don’t know how I sensed it was someone else.
Then my collar tried to kill me. I vaguely remember being released from the vent and someone ripping the collar off my throat. I wonder if they’re okay?
My neck feels like the skin was burned.
Without the ability to turn my head, what I can see of my surroundings is limited. My eyes dart to the side, and in my peripheral vision, I see a body lying next to me, and someone else on the far side of the room working on a tablet.
I’m not sure if I want to see what they look like. Will it betoostrange for me? Maybe it would be too much because my body was aroused by them. And if they are strange-looking, then I will have to deal with my attraction to some freaky real-life squid man.
Am I vain? Or xenophobic?
Well, in my defense, my experience with aliens hasn’t exactly been awesome so far. What if they are just as awful as the furballs?
I cough and test my voice. “Hello?”
“Why are you on our ship?” a male-sounding voice asks from across the room.
The question sounds more like a threat than a query.
Right to it then. I guess he hasn’t deduced I’m a runaway slave. It’s not a vote of confidence for his intelligence.
“Shouldn’t the electric collar and nakedness been a pretty obvious tipoff?” But what do I know? Maybe a shock collar is everyday wear in space.
I try to sit up to look at him with no luck. “I can’t move.”
“You have been immobilized,” he says flatly.
I wonder if I was hurt more than I thought. They can’t be afraid of me, can they be? “Why am I immobilized?”
“You invaded our ship and almost cost our alpha his life.”
Oh. Yeah, that makes sense. “But I wasn’t—”
I am cut off when someone rushes into the room and runs to my side.
My eyes widened in shock at what I see. I know it’s probably rude, but I’m still getting used to the whole alien thing.
He appears to be half bull and half man. He reminds me of what mythical minotaurs are supposed to look like.