Page 11 of Rebel Fates

I breathe easier without him so close. We have been avoiding each other lately, but there’s only so far we can go to relieve the tension. The ship is a good size until we begin to feel the calling to our primal urges, our true animal.

I shake my head and focus on our next destination. Fortunately, we haven’t traveled far from the space station in any direction. We are moving out slowly since there is no hyper-drive activity allowed this close to a station. But I need to finalize our coordinates before we can relax. I need to find a safe place for us to hide for a few days.

Serrat wants to be closer to our home world during our shift. But I’ve argued we should venture to a lesser-traveled sector. I compromise and scan flight activity for a place that might suit both our preferences.




Itry to play off my agitation, but my skin itches with the coming shift. I seem to feel it more than the other two. My inexperience compared to their years of mastery is evident. Not that I would ever admit my weakness to them.

But I don’t think I can wait until we find a safe place to free our frenzy.

Popping my head into each of our private rooms, I don’t see anything disturbed, except for Serrat’s pile of clothes. I hurry over to sniff them but only catch a hint of the Tirbilian’s scent. Though, it is overwhelmed by the pheromones of Serrat’s animal, now so close the surface. My animal growls in response.

I toss the clothes aside and continue my search. I need to keep my mind off the shift. But my horns and cock ache with need.

I check the engine room, galley, and then the armory.

As I enter the storage room, I catch another scent of the Tirbilian, which is strange. It’s even stronger here than on Serrat’s clothes. I sniff everything, starting at the front of the room, and work my way around to the back. As I move toward the far corner, I hear a scuffle.

My body tenses, quickly going into warrior mode.

If we have an intruder, I will rip them apart without even thinking.

I probablyshouldkill on sight. Intruder equals assassin. And we haven’t exactly been making a lot of friends lately…

I hope it’s just a space rak. That’s likely why the ship didn’t signal us about a security breach.

My primal self wants to rise to the occasion. I consider using my communicator to alert Rok and Serrat that I’ve found something, but the intruder would know I was onto him.

I jump around the boxes and see a pair of bare legs sticking out of the wall.

What the frex?

The intruder has tried to use our venting ducts as an escape route. Too bad for them, Leva wouldn’t let them get far into her system. Our ship sealed herself around the intruder, capturing them.

As I approach, I see the intruder is completely naked, at least from the waist down.

A female. She has a luscious round ass and healthy, thick thighs, with a pink center that I want to dive into.

I seeeverythingwith her vulnerable position, bent over at the waist and held in place.

My heart races at the image before me.

Her scent is taking me over. I want to sink into her soft pussy. The only thing stopping me is the smell of Tirbilian on her.

Well, that, and I would like to see her face first too.

I should probably also say hello.

Maybe I should learn her name so I can scream it out when I come.

I need to confirm she’s into all that, of course.

AndthenI’ll ravage her over and over until she can’t walk straight again.