“Go fuck yourself.”
This elicited a chuckle.
“Nah, baby, not when I have you all tied up for me.”
Her body trembled at his jest, and she rubbed her thighs together, her slickness only growing with each passing second. She’d never known she would find a sick sort of satisfaction in being tied up and helpless. She’d been helpless with Carter, but he was manic, unpredictable. This man, Jaeger, was cunning, controlled, and though he was twisted, she could see that his infatuation with her far outweighed the current situation, and it made her insides melt into a puddle. Would it be so bad to tell him the truth? Find out if he was here to help or what exactly his true angle was?
“So wet, baby. I can see it from here. You like being tied up, huh?”
Embarrassment shot through her, effectively cutting off any mounting arousal. She jerked her chin away from his hand, but he held fast. Her hips ached, her lower back screaming already. With a sigh, he shook his head, as though slightly annoyed with her tight lipped ways.
“You’ll talk. Not as soon as I’d like ya to, but ya will, all the same.”
He crouched down until their faces were level. His eyes swallowed her whole, specks of silver and gold like spokes emanating from his pupils. And when his lips tilted up in a half smile reminding her of a cocky, boyish grin, she felt another surge of hot blood pulse through her and center right at the crest of her cunt. She wanted his tongue to soothe the ache again, wanted him to roughly fuck her only to then have him show a completely different side, a gentle one full of longing.
Bringing the ball and gag forward, he pinched her face hard, until her lips fell open with a pained whimper. Into her tight mouth he pushed the hard ball, stretching her jaw so wide it flamed to life, immediately encouraging a deep ache. She shook her head, trying to free herself of the pain, but he fastened it behind her head, ensuring it was tight. Tears of pain, of humiliation and hatred, pooled and slipped down her face. She couldn’t control her drool, either, and as he still crouched in front of her to watch his creation work, she could see the smug satisfaction there on his face.
A bit of drool dribbled out of the corner of her mouth and down her chin. With a long finger, Jaeger reached for it, swiping it off rather gently, reverently. The betrayal in her eyes was clear, and it stung her, wounded her. She wasn’t used to straightforward consequences for non-compliance. She was used to being guilted into everything, threatened time and again for one thing or another. But with Jaeger…his threats weren’t just that. He followed through. She supposed she could at least count on that to figure out his angle, even as her jaw began to throb and ache, so tense it felt like it would lock any moment.
She squeezed down with her teeth, whimpering again when the ball barely gave a centimeter of reprieve.
“You want out of this, baby doll, you tell me where that hard drive is. Until then…” he said, standing to his full height. She couldn’t even crane her neck to see his face, bound as she was. She sagged in hopeless defeat, her mind on overdrive to find a way out of this.
His boots left her eyesight, stomping away, the light flicking off and the door closing with a click. She was left alone in the dim afternoon. And for the first time since he’d appeared in her life, she wept.
3 years ago
(Maisie is 23)
“Oh…yes…more, please, right…there…” Maisie sighed, Carter deep within her. It had been so long since they’d last had sex, she wasn’t sure she’d be able to handle it, but she’d turned so wet when he’d reached under the covers to idly stroke her thighs, and before she knew it, she was on her back as he thrusted into her, grunting. Using her own fingers to get herself off was becoming so boring, so unfulfilling, but she understood how busy he was at work, how stressed it made him. He’d promised to go to his doctor, ask about pills to help him keep his sex-drive up, but he’d yet to go.
Maisie felt the faint promise of a climax, but he stopped his steady rhythm, quickening, and she knew he was about to finish.
“Wait…oh, Carter, more, please—”
With a harsh yank, Carter was out of her, and her eyes sprang open, blinking into the night and up to her husband’s contorted face.
“Maisie…stop talking. You’re ruining the mood.”
“Oh…umm…sorry,” she muttered, meek and ashamed as her cheeks flooded with crimson. She’d always been vocal, unable to control that side of herself during sex. Most of the time Carter seemed to ignore it, but it was clearly bothering him tonight.
“You’re too goddamn wet,” he hissed, standing and striding to the bathroom before he tossed her a towel. She knew the drill. Cleansing herself until she was rubbed raw and dry as a desert, she waited patiently to take him again, knowing it would be tougher but if it made this easier for him, then she was willing to sacrifice her own pleasure. It would make him happy, right? Her self-sacrificing and quiet demeanor was what Carter praised her for daily, and so she leaned into that, for it kept the peace and made her feel more wanted.
With a grunt, he climbed back on top of her, stroking his half-hard cock and attempting to fit it back in her. Without her own slickness, without him being fully erect, it was going to be impossible, but she pressed her lips closed and just waited. If she made a suggestion as she had in the past, he would get angry and storm out to shower. After a few minutes of inept fumbling, Carter made a disgusted noise of pure frustration.
She opened her mouth, about to speak, to soothe the situation so she could sneak off and finish herself, but there was a strange glint in his eyes. He climbed up her, using his knees to pin her arms to her sides as a wicked smile curled onto his face. This was…new…but she was up to try new things if it made him happy.
“Blow me,” he said, settling some of his weight on her chest, jutting his half-hard dick out toward her awaiting lips. She wriggled, confused. Without the use of her arms, she felt this wouldn’t be as grand as he was picturing in his mind. Their eyes locked, she gave a nervous smile, knowing that her chance at feeling any pleasure from him was doused. As soon as he came, he was done with sex.
Slow, she opened her mouth, and in that moment his cock surged, raising pitifully. He grunted, pressing his tip to her lips, teasing her as he rubbed it back and forth a few times. She fought the urge to gag. Sure, she loved taking him in her mouth from time to time…but tonight felt ruined, and she was no longer in the mood to be around him.
She had to keep him happy, though. His childlike tantrums and fits of rage had been cresting lately, as they often did before things settled down. That was the cycle; a glimmer of tension, palpable, felt by all, a canary going silent in the mine. And then it would devolve. Maisie would miss a spot cleaning, forget something at the store, order the wrong food or forget to check the bag before she left the drive thru—and the monster would rage. He never hit her, but his belittling was somehow worse. Calling her stupid because of her dyslexia. Telling her that her thighs were fat, unattractive. Telling her to leave him alone, that she only made his life worse, more difficult. Storming away and destroying innocent lamps or shoving over bookcases in the process.
Yes, she felt that the monster was near the surface again, so she played her part. She boosted his ego, praised him, made him the hero while she put herself down in front of him and blamed herself for everything wrong in their marriage. It was the only way to get him off her back.
Carter thrusted forward, knocking her thoughts loose as his cock jammed down her throat and tears sprang into her eyes. She jumped, shimmying to free her shoulders, her torso from his weight, but he was lost now in his own pleasure, using her mouth to get himself off. She whined, slobbered, felt tears prick her eyes as she gagged and choked. He didn’t care; he didn’t stop, even if she tried to tell him to give her a break. She’d never been able to take him down her throat, and now as he forced his way down, she felt as though a band was breaking under the strain. Whatever he was damaging with his selfishness, it was brutally painful.