He was shuffling around tubs beneath the sink as steam finally began to curl into the air, signaling the water was hot enough now for a shower. Jaeger stood to his full height, tossing aside a clear tote that looked to be filled with first aid supplies. His eyes blazing a fiery trail down her whole body, he stepped closer, until his hard as rocks abs brushed her dirty knees.
She gulped, still nervous around him, leaning back as he reached up, her eyes focused on the ropes that had bound her for the entirety of the day. The torture had been brutal, but again, he’d promised her that. Now that he had what he wanted, he seemed calmer, more attentive, but she still rankled when he was near, so untrusting of any man.
“Got sad eyes, baby doll,” he murmured, finally pushing his fingers through her hair. She shook her head, trying to shut off her emotions, but his grip tightened, and her eyes met the bright green of his.
“I’m fine,” she rasped. He smirked and snorted, but it wasn’t patronizing.
“No ya ain’t. But I’ll sure as shit fix ya up.”
He smoothed his thumb over one aching side of her jaw, and then her ankle throbbed as well, and her stomach clenched in hunger, and her head pounded for a sip of water. When she didn’t answer, he reached for the hem of the tattered, dirty shirt she wore. Protesting with a strangled cry and pressing her palms to his chest, he stilled, those dangerous eyes sparking with malice, but she could tell it wasn’t directed at her.
She could feel his heavy heartbeats, the warmth of his chest, the flexing pectoral muscles as he shifted. She wondered what it would be like to rest her cheek on him, to press her ear above his heart and allow it to lull her to sleep. She would like that, she thought, to be wrapped up in such a strong and steady embrace. She craved it, the duality of him, the dominant and the caregiver. She even seemed to like it when he bossed her around; he was a man worth obeying, for after the pain came the pleasure.
With Carter, it had been pain and emptiness.
When Randy had made good on his sick promises and raped her that night, she felt that same hollowness. A tight lump rose in her throat as the memories pushed against the thin resistance her mind feebly tried to keep in place. It had been hell, locked in her home with him for a day and a half, wavering in and out of consciousness as he pounded into her body, murmuring about revenge and how beautiful she was.
She shivered, feeling her nipples pebble in Jaeger’s shirt, the cotton soft against her skin. She never wanted to take it off. She wanted to curl up in it and hide until she died, but she knew that wasn’t an option.
Slow, Jaeger reached for her hand, clasping it in his as it rested over his heart.
“You wanna talk about it, Mais?” he murmured. Tears pooling, eyes on his chest and their hands, she shook her head mutely.
“Won’t know how to help if you don’t open up.”
“You can’t help me,” she answered, voice just above a whisper. He made an annoyed grunt.
“Bet your sweet little ass I can do more than help ya, baby doll, but you have to let me.”
“Why do you even want to? Why do you even care?” she said, flicking her eyes up to his, her voice hollow and drained. His eyes turned sinister and angry, though this time itwasdirected at her.
“Baby, I’m startin’ to believe you’re deaf. I told ya how I feel. You’re mine, end of story. I want you—allof you. I want your darkest secrets and your favorite memories. I want to hear my name on your lips when I make you come. I want to live every damn day givin’ you a life you deserve, because to me you’re worth it, Mais.”
She shook her head, struggling in his grasp again.
“You barely know me!” She pleaded, trying to figure out his angle—if there was one. “You don’t want to help me! You have an ulterior motive, you’re just manip—”
His grip on her hand turned painful, but worst of all was how dark his eyes went at her words, how his face turned to stone, and he once more became a monstrous hunter and her the prey.
“Never,” he seethed quietly. “Never tell me I’m manipulating you again, Maisie Jane. You hear?”
Shocked, fear pumping through her, she could only manage a small nod. The sound of his grinding teeth set hers on edge. She’d made a very bad mistake by comparing him to Carter, and now she saw it. What did he expect, though? She knew nothing else, had never had a healthy relationship.
“I’m doing this to not only save your ass from life behind bars or fuckin’ death from those shitheads Carter worked for, but I’m also doing a favor for an important person, ya get me? That’s my angle, my goal. I’m cleanin’ up the breadcrumbs you left behind and makin’ sure you stay out of trouble, because Mais, you were headin’ straight for it the night you pulled that trigger.”
She shrank in his shadow. It was odd, how she understood his reasoning and believed him. What was even more odd was how her body instantly responded to his authority. He was angry, sure, but there was more to it; he wouldn’t hurt her, bash her face in or lock her in the closet. No, she’d had a taste of his punishments, and the very thought of him doing so now made her ache for his cock all over again. Her head spun with insanity. What the fuck was wrong with her?
Steam began to coat the mirror behind her, the white granite countertops slippery beneath her bare thighs.
“You on the same page now, Mais? Because this ain’t a game to me. This is real life, and when I’m in for somethin’, I’m all the fuckin’ way in.”
Her fresh tears spilled over.
“I just…I don’t get how…Look at me!” She finally spat, ripping her hand away from his fingers and his broad chest. His lips fell into a thin line, but his eyes softened. He’d made his speech, but it was high time she was allowed to make hers.
“I’m fucked up, ok? Can’t you get that? I don’t even know what I want! I…I killed people, Jaeger, and I don’t even remember you or that night…and look at me! Lindsay did this to me. My best friend,” she cried, pointing to her scar as her lip wobbled and the truth pushed its way past her tight throat.
“Her fucking husband raped me for days, and she attacked me for it! I want to kill them every day for the rest of my life, want to watch ‘em suffer as much as I did, and I’ve never told anyone but you and…and…” Her breathing became erratic, cutting off her garbled confession as sobs choked her. She buried her face in her hands and shook with the force of her crying, but felt warm, strong arms envelop her in a tight hug, his hand cradling the back of her head as he rested his cheek near hers.