Page 27 of Twisted

He cared. He truly did. And now that she was to share her insight, he could love her in the way she deserved.

His thumb swiped out, pressing against her fat bottom lip, sticky with saliva. His temperature flared. She blinked, her eyes a pale silver in the moonlight.

“Where is it, Maisie?”

His calm voice floated across the room. Unable to press her lips together, she just gaped up at him, panting. Her lips puffed, trying to come together to form the word.


Jaeger’s eyes blazed.

“In the house?”

She shook her head, eyes not leaving his. And dammit it all, she was telling the truth. He could see it plain as day in her wide eyes.


She nodded, lips wobbling.

“Good girl, Maisie Jane,” he praised, reaching for the clasp on his buckle, sneaking his other hand to the back of Maisie’s head.

He slid his belt out of the buckle, popping the button on his jeans. Her eyes widened, nostrils flaring, tears pooling. Down the zipper went. She tugged against the ropes, whimpering, pushing her head back against the hold of his hand. Pulling his thick cock free, stroking it just inches from his helpless Maisie’s mouth, he almost came on the spot.

“T-truth…I told…the truth…” Maisie sputtered through her tight jaw. Jaeger smirked, bringing his head closer to those puffy lips.

“I know ya did, baby doll. Now open wide like I know ya can.”



Present Day

“No…no, pl-please!”

Someone was screaming. So loud it made Maisie’s ears feel as though they were about to shatter. She found it strange, too, how not only her jaw ached, but her throat felt as though she’d swallowed razor blades. And there was also no light. Just a tenseness in her face, and—


She thrashed against the binds that held her wrists and body prisoner. She’d told him the truth, she’d endured his little game as long as her body had allowed and now she knew she was going to be used and end up dead in a ditch. She’d been so stupid, thinking his lust glazed eyes held a spark only reserved for her; he was a monster, and now he was going to take everything he wanted and dump her body like a sack of rotten potatoes.

Rearing back away from him, her naked body slammed against the wall, and she realized with a pained, strangled cry that she was free; he’d untied her. Blinking through blurry eyes, huddled in a tight ball of sobs and sharp intakes of breath, she tried to rationalize, to think or form any sort of coherent thought.

“Maisie,” his deep voice called to her through her ragged breathing. She pinched her eyes shut, breath shuddering through her lips as she tried to calm herself. His voice bespoke his deep concern, his gentleness, and when she opened her eyes again, she whimpered and flinched away from his nearness. He crouched before her, his brows pulled tight together, but in his eyes a storm raged. She felt her lips wobbling, and she hugged herself tighter as a more quiet wave of tears streamed down her cheeks.

He shifted, reaching out to her, and she kicked at him, eyes wild and teeth bared. She felt like a wild animal, cornered, defeated. But he was calm, he was steady, and it somehow brought her down another few notches. Her eyes flicked from his outstretched hand to his face. He’d just forced her to tell the damning truth, and then he’d wanted to further humiliate her…or so she’d thought. Their eyes locked, she could see something taking root there in those strange green orbs. Just as she was beginning to believe he may not have forced her, he spoke.

“I ain’t gonna hurt ya, Maisie girl. Didn’t know your limits, and I sure as hell feel like shit now.”

Again, she could only blink at him in shock. She’d been ravaged by him in the woods, and for as unorthodox as that had been, she’d loved it. Even now, those potent memories chased a thrill through her veins. He was…odd, in that he was powerful, dominating, but that as soon as she’d began to panic, he’d stopped.

He’d stopped.

The notion struck her. Even out in the woods, against the tree and in the pile of ashes, as soon as she’d begun to withdraw, he had stopped and had waited. It was insanity to her; Carter’d never stopped. None of them had.

And the one she feared the most?
