Eyeing her questioningly, I covered Erika with her skirt before gesturing for the girl to step forward. She shuffled her feet slowly, making no attempt at eye contact.

“Right here, please.” I pointed to a spot on the floor near the side of the sofa. She obeyed at a snail’s pace, silent the entire time. Wringing her hands in front of her, she shifted her weight from one foot to the other. I folded my hands across Erika’s back and waited. “Cali, do you have something you want to tell me?”

Her head made quick jerky movements displaying her complete indecisiveness. She wanted to tell me because the guilt was too much, but the last thing on earth she wanted to do was incriminate herself or anyone in her posse.

“If you have something to say, little one, I need you to say it. If not, please rejoin the group so I may get on with Erika’s punishment.”

“I know where the beard is,” she whispered.

“You do?” I feigned surprise. “Why would that be?”

Movement out of the corner of my eye caught my attention. Sadie was doing her best to fade into the crowd. I allowed it, for now. Her goose was cooked anyway. It was only a matter of time before the whole story was revealed.

“I know because I-I took it,” she confessed.

“Why would you do such a naughty thing, Cali? Didn’t you want to get presents from Santa?”

Erika shifted on my lap, but I wasn’t ready to let her up yet. I slipped my hand under her skirt and pinched her backside.

“Ow!” she squeaked.

“Be still and behave yourself.”

“Yes, Sir,” she spoke through clenched teeth.

Cali shifted her gaze all around the room as if the answer was written somewhere on the walls. “I’m scared of Santa?”

“Is that a question or a statement, little one? I’m going to be kind and warn you that lying to Uncle Jared is a bad plan. A very bad plan.” I lowered my voice to a menacing tone so she and the rest of the little sneaks would be sure to get the picture.

She took a faltering step backward, shaking her head. “No. I’m not really. I just took it to be silly. Sadie said…” She slapped her hands over her mouth, and her eyes widened in panic.

“Sadie said what?”

She shook her head frantically with both hands covering her mouth.

“Maybe you need to trade spots with Erika here so we can get the whole story?”

“No, Sir! I don’t want a spankin’,” she whined, her hands flying from her mouth to cover her bottom.

“Then I would suggest you start talking, young lady.”

“May I get up now?” Erika mewed.

“You hush,” I warned. She sighed heavily, and I barely refrained from lighting a nice fire on her sassy little ass. There would be time for that later, hopefully.

Cali stood biting her lip, tears still falling. She looked at her friends one last time before taking a deep breath and telling the whole sordid story. “When we found out you were coming, Uncle Jared, we made a plan to help you and Erika fall in love. Like the kids do in the movies sometimes to make their parents get married except we thought if we could get Erika in trouble with you, then you would spank her and fall in love. We already know she’s in love with you ’cuz she told Sadie.”

“I did not!” Erika screeched, rearing off my lap as she protested.

I couldn’t help myself any longer. I laid down three solid swats to her skirt-covered butt. “That’s enough out of you.”

She crossed one leg over the other and whimpered in response.

“When you say ‘we,’ is there anyone in this room who does not deserve to be here, and are we missing anyone?” I wanted to make sure no one got punished unjustly.

She shook her head despondently, wincing. “We’re all here, and we all helped.”

“Right, then, and whose idea was all of this?”