“Are you okay?” My plan not to startle her failed. At the sound of my voice, she jumped to her feet, swiping her eyes and nose.
“Master Jared, I’m so sorry. Did I forget something? Oh God, what did I screw up now?” She crumpled back into her seat and covered her face with her hands before sobs ensued.
It had been a long time since I had dealt with a crying woman, not counting the ones I made cry at the club, but instinct kicked in, and I rushed to her side to comfort her.
“What’s going on, little squirrel?” I asked.
Her body shook under my hand as I rubbed circles on her back. She mumbled into her hands, making it impossible to hear what she was saying. My heart wrenched. By the slump of her body and the mumbled words escaping through her fingers, I could tell she was utterly defeated. I wanted to scoop her into my arms and comfort her, but… Oh hell… I pulled the rolling chair away from the desk and lifted her lithe, shuddering form into my protective embrace. She didn’t fight me. Quite the contrary, actually. Throwing her arms around my neck, she turned her face into my shirt and held on tight. I took her into the main office where I made us both comfortable on one of the sofas in the small sitting area.
“Everything’s going to be okay,” I cooed with no response from her. I loosened my grasp to give her space if she needed it, but the more I let go, the harder she pulled closer. Holding her felt heavenly, like her body was formed to fit against mine.
Her sobs slowed, and she lifted her face out of my shirt, leaving behind the proof of her misery.
“I’m so sorry. If you take the shirt off, I can take it to dry cleaning right away.” She pulled to get up, but I wasn’t ready to let go.
“The shirt will survive, little squirrel. I’m more concerned about you. What happened?” I needed to know what transpired to make her so utterly miserable because I wanted to do everything in my power to prevent it from ever happening again.
“I got an email from my brother. He wasn’t nice. It’s not a big deal. I know what my family thinks of me. It’s not new. It’s just really bad timing, and I’ve completely ruined my own image, and I don’t even know how!”
I could tell she needed to talk, so I made mental notes of my questions and let her have her say.
“I have somehow managed to say things I don’t remember saying, not do things I swore that I did, follow directions never given, and make a total idiot of myself in front of you!”
After the last statement, she slapped her hands over her mouth. I grinned. Knowing she worried about how she appeared to me was immensely satisfying.
“I’m sorry. You don’t need to hear all this. You’re supposed to be on a relaxing vacation, not babysitting a fake submissive.”
“Whoa, whoa. Slow down there, little squirrel. Fake?”
She shrugged.
“Listen to me. I have been in the game a long time. I have met fake submissives, more than I care to remember. You, dear, are the furthest thing from fake.” She turned her face away, but I was not going to let her get away with the avoidance tactic. I pinched her thigh. “It’s rude to ignore me, little girl.”
Rubbing the sore spot, she turned her face back to mine and blushed prettily. “I’m sorry, Sir. I wasn’t trying to be rude.”
“See that?” I asked. “That was pure submission.”
The corner of her mouth turned up, and the blush deepened. “I suck at rules and protocols and stuff. I can’t even fulfill orders from my boss. And I want to! I want to so badly.”
“Why do you want to? What drives you?” I trailed my hand up and down the back of her bare calf.
Her face brightened, and she sat up a little straighter in my lap. “It’s my job. He gives me a task, and I complete it to the best of my ability. When I do my job right, it makes his day easier, and he is happier and more relaxed. I like seeing him smile and feeling like I helped make him happy.”
I nodded my head. “Textbook submissive, dear. You do things for the pure fact of serving other people. It’s not about the paycheck or the things you want. It’s all about what you can do for him. I’m guessing he’s not the only one you enjoy doing it for.”
She looked at me with her eyes wide, like my words held the keys to the universe. “Well, no. I kinda like helping everyone.”
Pushing her hair behind her ear, I cupped the back of her neck. “You have an innate need to serve, and it’s beautiful and makes you one of the most appealing women I have ever met.”
“But I suck at it,” she admitted, lowering her eyes.
Reflexively my hand tightened on her neck. “Suck at what exactly?” I growled.
She gulped and licked her lips. “I just can’t get anything right. You’ve seen it,” she accused. “I haven’t successfully served you since you’ve gotten here.”
“That’s because I make you nervous, little squirrel.”
She nodded.