As I made my way to Derek’s office, I made a pit stop in each area, peeking in on some of the staff to say hello, and was rushed from all sides with boys and girls bouncing with excitement about the Christmas season. They chattered about Santa and reindeer and presents. Their joy was contagious, and I found myself smiling more than I had in months. My steps lightened, and the weight of life seemed to disappear. Rawhide Ranch was a special place; it was no wonder Derek was so successful.

When I reached the office, I waited, but standing outside Derek’s door was the worst kind of torture. I knew what was happening, and I would love to witness a scene with the dark-haired little sub whose delectable body consumed my thoughts. However, this punishment was between her and her Dom, and I would not disrespect either of them by interrupting. Derek had warned me it would take a decent amount of time for him to fully deal with the naughty little sub.

“One, Sir,” Erika yelled, and as much as they needed their privacy, I could not make myself walk away from the door. It was Derek’s fault for not bothering to soundproof the room better.

I listened to the pure, unfiltered agony as Erika continued to count strokes. Never in my life had a spanking been so difficult to listen to without interfering. Subbies needed discipline, they thrived and grew under a firm hand, but I wanted to protect Erika. I wanted to make excuses for her behavior, but mostly I wanted to deck Derek for hurting her. Get it together, Stark, he isn’t hurting her. He is disciplining her naughty, sexy little ass, and she will be fine. You’re jealous it isn’t you meting it out.

The count stopped after ten, which seemed like the perfect number if the screeches I heard were sincere, and I listened closely to hear if it was safe to knock.

Derek’s voice came over the intercom, and I jumped. “You can come in now, Jer.”

Looking around, I noticed the security camera above the door and flipped him the bird as I let myself in. I scanned the room and located the sniffling little squirrel in the corner. She knelt in place, back straight and hands behind her head with her fingers laced together. Her position was flawless, if only her freshly spanked bottom were on display.

Derek cleared his throat, and I shook the idea out of my head. The smug man sat behind his desk, arms crossed and lips turned up in a sideways smile.

I joined him at his desk, sitting in a chair that would allow me to keep Erika in my line of sight.

“How’s the ranch treating you, old man?” Derek asked.

Her body tightened, and she sucked in her breath.

“Sir?” she asked in a tone of desperation.

“You stay put, little lady,” he reprimanded.

Her chin dropped to her chest, and shoulders sagged. I gripped the arms of my chair, digging my fingers into the supple leather. I wanted to scoop her into my arms and ease her stress. What the hell is wrong with me?

Derek’s email chimed. “Moses needs me to meet with one of the contractors on the new build. Erika, come here, please.”

She rocked back on her haunches and stood up before letting her hands fall to her side. Her poise and grace astounded me. She folded her hands in front of her and approached Derek, keeping her eyes downcast.

“Good girl, thank you. How are you feeling?” He took her hands in his, and I watched in rapt interest.

“I’m okay, Sir.”

“And if anything in your head changes?” He lifted a brow in question.

“I will tell you immediately.” She snuck a look in my direction out of the corner of her eye, and I winked.

“Thank you. Time for work, then.”

She nodded.

He stood and turned his attention to me. “I’ll be back, and we can grab some lunch.”

“Don’t rush. I’m fine here.”

“I’m sure you are.” He laughed and walked out, leaving Erika and I alone.

She stood, shifting from foot to foot with a lost look in her eyes. Sitting back in the seat, I cocked my head and smiled. “Don’t you have work to do, little squirrel?”

“Yeah... I...can I get you anything while you wait?”

“There are a couple of things I can think of you doing for me, but I’m sure that’s not what you meant.”

A pretty blush crept up her neck and into her cheeks.

“Unless I’m wrong, and you are offering?” Her mouth dropped open, and I chuckled. “Get to work, little squirrel. I’m sure your sore little bottom does not need any more attention.”

Without a word, she turned on her heel and scurried into her office.