My turn… “I’m so sorry, Sir.” I stepped forward. “And I’m sorry to you girls, too. I know how excited you were to get presents from Santa Claus.”
“It’s really no big deal,” Sadie chimed. “We can still get presents even without the costume. We don’t believe in Santa anyway, right, girls?”
You could have heard a pin drop in the silence.
She turned her back to us to address the group. “Right, girls?” she asked, nodding vehemently. A chorus of half-hearted agreements were given, but not one of the group was able to make eye contact. The girls were already losing their bravado. Time to make it worse for the little brats.
“Master Jared, I feel so guilty for ruining Christmas. Will you please punish me so I will learn from my mistake?”
“What?” Sadie screeched.
Jared’s gaze stayed glued to mine, and I watched the change occur. His eyes darkened and creased in the corners. No one else would notice, but I was so close I could smell his cologne. We had discussed the plan, but moving forward was an entirely different thing. He had never spanked me before. “I think a sound spanking would suffice. Don’t you, girls?” he asked.
“No!” Sadie yelled. “I mean, it was just a mistake. She didn’t do it on purpose.”
“That’s true, being naughty on purpose would earn a much harsher spanking than something accidental,” he agreed, breaking eye contact with me to level the girls with a glare.
Sadie gulped and took a step back, blending into the group. Harsh whispers were passed around behind her.
Hiding a wicked smile, I pushed further. “It was an irresponsible oversight, and I will accept your spanking, Sir.”
“Good girl. Lift your skirt, then, and lie over my lap, please.” He sat down on the sofa and patted his knee.
“We will just give you some privacy.” Sadie spoke for the group again as she walked backward, nudging her friends toward the exit.
“Please stay?” I begged. “It will help my guilt if I know you all have witnessed my punishment.”
The group froze before forming a small huddle. Frustrated whispers carried through the room.
Jared allowed it for a moment before taking the decision right out of their naughty little hands. “You girls will stay. I know for a fact you have all been witness to a spanking. Erika has requested you be present, and I believe it’s a good idea. She is to be a role model to you all, and this will show you being careless is not acceptable from a Rawhide girl.”
Again, the group was stripped of their words as they stood in silence, each obviously battling her own guilty conscience.
“Come over my knee now, little squirrel,” Jared commanded again.
I kept my eyes downcast as I approached him. I didn’t want him to see the desire all over my face, although soon, I feared, I would not be able to hide it. I didn’t miss the way he shifted in his seat, and it gave me a modicum of satisfaction this would be uncomfortable for him as well. Although, depending on how long the girls allowed this to go on, my sexual frustration would be the least of my worries.
Erika played the perfect penitent subbie, and my cock hardened under the thick red costume pants, knowing what was about to transpire. Finally, I had a reason to get my hands on her. I looked down at my lap to hide my smile as she sniffled sadly before obeying my instruction. She was a good little actress, really good.
Lifting her skirt, she revealed she was bare underneath. No panties, the way a subbie should be. I barely held back the groan and adjusted myself as best as I could. There was no hiding my hard-on for her, but I wanted to at least attempt to be a gentleman. With the grace of a well-trained submissive, she lowered herself stomach down across my lap.
“Uncle Jared, please don’t.” Sadie took a hesitant step forward.
I ignored her and addressed the woman who plagued my fantasies.
“You know why you are about to get spanked. You also know you have requested this punishment to assuage your guilt. For those reasons, I expect you to keep yourself in place and accept what you are given. Understood?” During a real spanking, I was all business, but as much as I would love to take her bottom to task for my own pleasure, now was not the time. I didn’t want to risk her skittering away before I even got started.
“Yes, Sir,” she answered confidently, easing my mind and reminding me this had been her idea.
A small sob came from the group, and I looked up to see tears in the eyes of a few of the girls. Resting my hand on the bare bottom in front of me, I took a minute to lock eyes with each of them. This was their doing. They had been angling for it all week, but now that the time had come, they were realizing the error of their ways.
“You girls should learn a lesson here today. It does not pay to shirk your responsibilities.” Turning my attention to Erika, I spoke my final piece. “I’m proud of you for accepting your punishment like a lady. When this spanking is finished, you will be forgiven. However, you will not be joining us for the duration of the Christmas festivities.”
Convinced I had said all I needed to increase the girls’ guilt, I lifted my hand and felt Erika’s body tense in preparation for the first blow.
“Wait!” A little brunette in pigtails broke through the group. “It’s not her fault.” She choked out the words as big tears tracked down her face.
“Cali, don’t,” Sadie whispered harshly.