I berated myself for not being strong enough to take my hand back, but it felt so good, so right. Everything Jared did and said, it was all perfect, and I wanted nothing more than to kneel at his feet. But this was stupid. He could never want me. He was a distinguished and successful man with his own law practice. I was a secretary with no real skills. He lived thousands of miles away, and my home was here. I needed to let go, physically and emotionally. Getting attached to this man was a big, big mistake.

He was quiet, and I wondered if he was thinking the same things as me. Of course, he would be too kind to ever say them. As hard as he was on the outside, he had a huge heart. I saw it every time he interacted with the Littles. The man was here to play Santa Claus for God’s sake. He protested, but whenever the party was discussed, he would beam with pride.

Once in the elevator, I tried to pull my hand back, but his grasp tightened, and he turned his head in my direction.

“You can let go now.”

“Who said I wanted to, little squirrel?” He raised an eyebrow, and my insides melted.

“I appreciate you comforting me and saying nice stuff, but you can stop now. I’m okay.” I couldn’t keep eye contact as I spoke.

“I’m glad you’re okay, but I meant everything I said, Erika.”

Hearing my name spoken in his sexy deep voice made my breath catch in my throat, but it didn’t change what was really going on. “Look, I know you’re just being nice because you feel sorry…” My words were cut off when he slammed his lips against mine, pinning me to the wall of the elevator with his entire body.

“Jared!” I attempted to protest, but each time I started to get a word out, he deepened the kiss and pressed his body harder against mine. I widened my eyes when I felt the proof of his arousal bulging against the front of his trousers. My brain sounded an alarm, screaming at me to stop this madness, but I was powerless to it. Instinctively, I thrust my body against his, pressing my nipples tightly against his chest and greeting his erection with my own arousal.

I never wanted him to stop, but all good things come to an end. When he removed his mouth from mine, he took a step back and smiled.

“I should apologize for that, little squirrel, but I can’t, because it would be a lie. I’m not sorry in the slightest.”

I stood in stunned silence, not trusting myself to move or speak.

“I have been wanting to do that for a long time. No more thinking I feel sorry for you. No more telling yourself lies to keep your distance. I’m attracted to you, Erika. I have been since the day we met, and I’m done fighting it. It’s been a long time since a woman has made me lose control like I just did.” He blushed, but continued, “You need to know you are a special woman, and you deserve the world. You definitely don’t deserve to be saddled with a man twenty years older than you. However, I would like to spend some time with you, take you to lunch or dinner. We can eat here at the ranch or drive to town, but I would like it to be just us. I want a chance to get to know you.”

My mouth went dry at his declaration, and I couldn’t put together a coherent thought. The only word that came to mind was, “Why?”

“Why?” he asked back.

I hadn’t realized I spoke out loud, but I nodded anyway.

“Were you not listening to me, little squirrel?” He brought his hand up and grazed my cheekbone with his knuckles. “You are beautiful and perfect in every way. Yes, I know you make mistakes, we all do, but it’s not about that. It’s about your heart. Your motives are pure and true. I’ve wasted so many years in my life. I don’t want to let this feeling pass me by.”

“I need some air,” I squeaked out. This was impossible. I had to be dreaming.

Jared’s forehead wrinkled in concern, and he hit the button on the elevator. “Okay, honey. Let’s get you out of here.”

The elevator didn’t move. My stomach sank as I realized it hadn’t moved at all since we got in.

“Something’s wrong,” he said, hitting the button again. None of the button lights activated or registered as he pushed them. “I think we may be stuck, little squirrel.”

I slid to the floor and hugged my knees to my chest. “What are we going to do?” I could feel the panic bubbling right beneath the surface. The air around me thickened, and I couldn’t breathe.

“Deep breaths. I’m going to push the help button. Someone will come.”

“The help call goes to the office. There’s no one in the office.” I tried to keep my voice from shaking, but my heart pounded in my throat.

“I know Derek. I’m sure he has backup security for his backup security. Someone will get the alert.”

I admired him for his calm and level head. He was right. Derek had a fail-safe for everything, but this had never happened before, and I was not a fan of being trapped.

Jared must have felt my fear. He sat down next to me and wrapped me in his arms. “Deep breaths, little squirrel. Everything is going to be fine. I promise.”

I didn’t answer but laid my head on his shoulder, accepting his comfort.

“Hey, have I ever broken a promise to you before?”

“You’ve never made me a promise before.” I giggled.