“It’s natural. Do you mess up on purpose to get attention?”

“No!” she yelled, aghast at the idea.

“Then you do not suck. You are perfect.”

Rolling her eyes, she scoffed and attempted to climb down. I gave a warning squeeze. “You aren’t getting down unless I allow it, so stop trying. And if you roll your eyes like that again, I cannot promise my reaction will be appropriate.”

Erika worried her lip and the blush was renewed. “Appropriate?”

“At this juncture, I can’t decide if I want to kiss you or smack your ass, but I have not received permission to do either one, therefore either response would be inappropriate.”

“Oh.” She looked around the room. “I… need to get back to work.”

“No, you don’t. Derek sent me to tell you to take the rest of the day off.”

“But there’s so much to do,” she whined.

“I don’t believe it was a suggestion, little squirrel. Let’s get you home.” I placed her feet on the floor and stood behind her. “Is there anything you need to do to shut down the office for the day?”

“Uh yeah. A couple things.”

“I’ll wait.” Leaning against the doorjamb, I watched as she flitted through the rooms. closing down computers, straightening papers, and turning off lights. She worked efficiently and methodically, making sure each task was complete before moving to the next. “I would kill for a secretary such as you,” I told her as she approached.

She giggled. “Derek says I’m never allowed to leave him.”

“Isn’t that a shame?” I winked and took her hand, needing to touch her again. She had not protested thus far. As a matter of fact, she seemed to become more relaxed with each physical connection. Very interesting, indeed.