Page 52 of Levee

“York is the oldest,” I said.

“Which might matter if love had an expiration date,” Eddie said as he started to scoop beans, rice, cheese, and beef into tortillas.

“Velle is the most… in touch with emotional shit.”

“Yeah, call me crazy, man, but I think that might work against him when it comes to finding a hunnie,” he said. “Besides, that guy has demons, even if he ain’t talking about ‘em.”

All of that seemed true when I thought about it.

“That leaves Kylo,” I said. “Or you.”

“Hey, man. Your lips to God’s ears,” Eddie said, crossing himself and looking up toward the sky. “So, when am I gonna meet this girl of yours?” he asked.

“Good question,” I said, resisting the urge to check my phone again. It was sitting on the damn counter beside me. I would have seen or heard a text coming in. “Wish I had an answer. Eventually, I hope.”

I was going to stop being such a pussy and just ask for her damn number the next time I went to visit my uncle. And got some more naked alone time with her.

“What’s her favorite food? Gotta brush up on my skills if it isn’t one of my specialties.”

“Everything is your specialty.” I mean, the man had cooked at least once a day for all that time I’d been at the club. I’d yet to eat a bad meal. “I know she likes cinnamon and raisin bagels and pizza. That’s as far as I’ve gotten on that front.”

“Hey!” a female voice called, a little too loud from the liquor and having to speak over the loud music out back. “I’m supposed to ask how long on the burritos,” she said, standing in the doorway dripping from her hot pink bathing suit.

“Burritos are ready,” Eddie said, holding a tray out to her. “The rest’ll be coming in an hour or so.”

“Don’t you ever get sick of cooking?” I asked when she was gone again. “I mean, it’s ten at night. You worked all day. And you’re here cooking again.”

“Nah, man. I love it. Keeps me calm. Feels good to put this kinda love into the club and these people,” he said as he took my carrots and set them on the tray along with potatoes, onions, peppers, brussels sprouts, and broccoli, then started to drizzle oil and some seasoning before slipping the tray into the oven.

“Figure, one day, I might have me a family to cook for, and I won’t be able to do as much around here. So I’m happy to do it while I can,” he added as he started to pull the marinated chicken out of a bag in the fridge and lay it out on another sheet pan.

“Can’t imagine the club without you cooking,” I admitted.

“It was a lot of takeout back then,” Eddie said, shaking his head at the prospect. “That your hunnie?” he asked as my phone beeped on the counter.

I barely held back from lunging at the damn thing. I unlocked the screen and opened the message from an unknown number.

It’s Jade. Was wondering if you wanted to hang out.

I was quick to text back, saying I was free, and asking if she wanted me to come over.

Actually, I’d rather come to you. Unless you’re busy. Could use to get out of the apartment for a bit.

I never sent someone my address so fast in my life.

“Jade is heading over,” I told Eddie, getting a knowing smile out of the man.

“You sure there are no science experiments going on in your room?” he asked.

It was an old joke the guys all still shot at me. Even though it had been a long time since I was that big of a slob.

“My room is fine,” I insisted. “But I might go change my sheets,” I decided.

And pick up the clothes that hadn’t made it into the laundry basket. Do a quick dust.

“Go on then. Spruce the place up. I got this from here.”

With that, I did. Getting the place as neat as possible, checking that there were condoms in the nightstand, then doing a quick change of clothes while I was at it.