Levee’s hand went around my hip, keeping me close. As if I had never seen girls flirting with each other to excite men before. Or people making out for that matter.
He led me over toward the U-shaped black leather sectional, and pulled me down beside him. His arm went around the back of my shoulders as Zayn popped the cork on a new bottle of champagne.
I recognized the bottle. It was the one my parents had bought as a ‘big splurge’ once to celebrate my father getting a promotion at work that would allow my mother to retire her full-time job and focus on her art.
He passed one bottle toward his left before reaching for another to pop the cork.
There were two more empties rolling around on the floor.
What was that? Almost six hundred dollars in champagne on some random weekend afternoon.
Maybe Levee was right about how much I could be charging for my commission. Even if I didn’t think I would be willing to ever ask anything that astronomical.
Zayn dropped down on my other side, passing both Levee and me clear plastic party cups and filling them almost to the rim.
“You two are entirely too sober. And I am not drunk enough,” he declared, starting to use the rest of the bottle like his own sippy cup.
Everyone else around acted like this was the most normal thing in the world. I glanced at Levee, who was casually sipping his champagne.
Maybe this was the norm for him.
I was suddenly struck with the knowledge that I knew very little about Levee.
I mean, I surmised things from his actions. Like caring for a difficult uncle who didn’t want his attention. Like stepping up to offer help to a complete stranger with a legal matter.
All signs pointed to a good person.
Other than that, and knowing he was in a motorcycle club, I really knew nothing about him.
Suddenly, I wish I’d asked if he wanted to go get coffee instead of hanging out on the bus.
But even as I thought it, a man walked up the steps, closed the door, got behind the driver’s seat, and pulled away from the curb.
The girls dancing lost their footing, falling into the laps of Coast and Zayn, who both seemed pleased as punch by the arrangement.
I half turned away from Zayn to look toward Levee who shot me a smirk as he tapped his cup to mine.
I took a tentative sip as one of the girls let out a squeal when one of the guys started to tickle her sides.
Levee reached down, scooping up my legs, and pulling them over his lap. He leaned in close, his lips tickling the shell of my ear.
“I thought you’d text,” he said, making butterflies take flight in my chest.
“I didn’t know if you’d want to hear from me,” I admitted.
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“You left in a hurry,” I reminded him.
“Had a work meeting,” he told me, making some of the tension leave my shoulders since I’d felt a little, I don’t know, rejected after he left. “Didn’t want to interrupt you. Figured I’d see you this week.”
“Funny how that worked out,” I said, going ahead and letting myself lean into him a bit more as I took a bigger sip of my drink.
I had several hours before I needed to drive. I would be fine.
“So what happens now?” I asked as Levee’s free hand started to sift through my hair.
“From experience, now there is a lot of drinking. Then, likely, a stop to do something completely unusual. Like an arcade. Or aquarium. Food. More drinking. Then clubs and, you guessed it, more drinking.”