Page 101 of Levee

“A date? With a woman?”

“Well, you know, I didn’t ask. But I’m assuming.”

“Wow. I mean, he has become… wholly tolerable, but I did not see that coming. Okay, give me the baby. You go get some much deserved time in your studio.”

I was not going to argue with that.

I unwrapped the baby, gave him to Levee, then leaned up for another, longer, kiss.

“Eddie is gonna drop over some dinner later,” he told me as I started to retreat.

All day with my kids. Some time alone to paint in peace. Dinner provided by Eddie. And a night, later, curled up in Levee’s arms?

I couldn’t think of anything more perfect.

Jade - 10 years

“Lily!” I called, rushing forward toward where she was standing beside Curtis on the sidewalk in front of the art gallery. “You look gorgeous,” I said as I wrapped my arms around her.

She did, too.

Moving up in life had genuinely agreed with her. Gone were the bags under her eyes and the twitchy way her eyes would always scan around back when we lived in the same building, always on the lookout for someone who might put her kids in danger.

Instead, there was an ease about her that came from moving to the suburbs in a lovely duplex with another couple next door who they quickly turned into their own extended family.

I didn’t get to see Lily and Curtis as much these days, given we’d both moved in opposite directions. And the kids were all old enough to not really want to spend any time with their “Aunt” Jade.

But just this once, we’d decided we all needed to reunite.

Not for my gallery showcase.

Oh, no.

This was for Terrance.

The kid who’d once drawn giant boobs on my whiteboard and protected me with a switchblade had been carefully working on his craft over the years, honing it, making it something truly remarkable.

Better, I thought, than me.

It had been years before that I’d decided I had to stop giving him lessons because he’d learned everything I could possibly teach him.

We’d stayed in touch, though.

And now, now it was time to celebrate his amazing hard work.

I’d pulled out all the stops, calling not only Lily and Curtis but Mrs. Jackson, her husband, their girls, Teddy, Zayn, the club, friends and work associates I’d gotten close with over the years. I wanted Terrance’s showcase to be successful beyond his wildest dreams. He certainly had the talent.

And I knew too well that sometimes, success was more about who you knew than anything else. Through Levee, I knew a lot of life-changing people. And now, I was happy to pass those connections on.

“And look at you. You’re ready to pop!” Lily said, reaching out to touch my belly.

I was.

My belly was so round that it felt comical. I was two days past my due date. But I’d made a deal with this baby that if it could just hold out until after the showcase, I would spend each day feeding him all of the ice cream he wanted.

“Hopefully, just a few more days,” I said.

“Well, now, you know you need to let me come over and get some baby snuggles on. We’re well beyond the baby thing now.”