Page 73 of Levee

I just wanted to be around her.

Though I wasn’t going to complain if we ended up in bed. Or on the couch. In the shower.

I made my way up the path toward her, my helmet hanging from my fingers.

Her back was to me so she didn’t see me approach, but the guys clocked me pretty quickly, their gazes going to my cut, to the badge on my lapel.

“Why you asking about him?” I heard the tallest, thinnest of the kids ask her. If I wasn’t mistaken, his face was etched with concern.

“Asking about who?” I asked, running my hand across Jade’s hips as I leaned down to press a kiss to her head.

I didn’t know what the fuck was going on around this place. Especially as it pertained to Jade and the black eye she was still sporting, even if she’d tried to cover it up with makeup. But I figured that letting it be known that she had a guy around might be a good thing. Especially if that guy was a part of a pretty well-known outlaw biker club.

“Oh, hey!” Jade said, eyes wide as she shot me a smile. “Nobody. I was just talking to these guys. This is Terrance,” she said, indicating the one who was eyeing me, trying to decide if I had what it took to protect her, maybe. “He’s the one who was drawing pictures on the whiteboard.”

“Heard you drew her with giant tits,” I said, watching him stiffen.

“Hey, man, it was before I knew her,” he said, holding his hands up.

“I get it. I was an idiot kid too once. Mind if I steal her? She’s gonna cook for me,” I told him.

To that, the kids shrugged and moved away.

“Terrance, don’t forget,” she called, making the kid turn back, nodding at her, then heading off with his friends.

“Don’t forget what?” I asked as I held the front door open for her.

“I asked him to draw me a few types of sketches so I can give him some tips,” she said, giving me a sweet smile. “You made good time. I was supposed to be naked in an apron before yougot here,” she admitted, completely unbothered by saying that in front of two women who were walking down the hall toward us, tittering with laughter as soon as they passed.

“This way maybe I can be the one to take the clothes off of you,” I said.

“Mm, I like that idea,” she decided as we got into the elevator.

I didn’t waste any time. As soon as the doors closed, I grabbed both sides of her face then sealed my lips to hers, kissing her until her whole body went lax and little whimpers started to escape her.

The doors chiming as they opened had us breaking apart and walking back down the hall toward her apartment.

I wasn’t a religious guy, but I was saying a little prayer that my uncle didn’t choose that exact moment to have some sort of accident or come rushing out of the apartment.

Luckily, there was no one around as Jade put her key in the lock.

She seemed oddly tense as she pushed the door open. Almost like she didn’t know what she might be walking into.

Or maybe I was overthinking shit.

She waited for me to move inside, then closed and locked the door.

I waited just until she had the bags on the counter before I was leaning down to grab the backs of her knees and lifting her up off of her feet.

I set her right there on the counter and moved between her thighs as she spread them for me, taking her lips again.

It wasn’t long before her hands were grabbing at me. Sinking into my ass. Moving around to work by button and zipper free.

My own hand slipped up under her skirt, thankful for her love of them and the easy access they provided, and pressing against her already-wet panties.

When her hand slipped into my underwear to grab my cock, my own fingers moved under the material of her panties, teasing up her slick cleft to work her clit as my other two fingers thrust inside her waiting pussy.

Jade leaned back so fast she whacked her head into the upper cabinet but it was pleasure and need that was on her pretty face as her hips rocked against me, as her hand fisted my cock.