Page 46 of Oh, Hell No

Once that job was complete, I did my weekly grocery shopping while still trying to remember last night’s blank spots. I could have sworn I had seen five missed texts from Toby, but today, there were none. All his texts were gone. So, I had either deleted them on accident or because I’d said something that hurt his feelings and thought deleting his texts was for the best. There had been no text or calls from him today. I was thinking that was a bad thing. I thought about texting him, but what was I going to say?Sorry I was trashed and don’t remember your visit and what I said.

I could potentially get fired if he went and told Mr. Clairton I was an alcoholic who drank so much while at home alone that I didn’t even remember him stopping by. I was just going to leave it alone. See how he acted at work and roll with it. That was all I could do. But if I could just remember what I’d said to him, it would help.

While loading my groceries into my Beetle, I tried to think of anything else because I was tired of worrying over last night. What was done was done.

“Didn’t look like you were enjoying the fair yesterday,” a deep, familiar drawl startled me.

My eyes widened, and I slowly straightened from adjusting the bags in my trunk to turn and see Oz standing only feet away. The last time we had been in a parking lot together, I’d woken up in a basement.

“If you come any closer, I will scream,” I warned him.

I didn’t care that he was a one percenter and lived the posh life; he’d abducted me once and he could do it again. Now, I knew he’d get away with it and why. His family’s wealth and power protected him.

He frowned. “You still scared of me, darlin’?” he asked as if he was surprised to hear that the woman he’d taken, starved, and choked was shaken by his presence.

“I remember the last time we were in a parking lot. Didn’t end well for me,” I pointed out.

The corner of his lips lifted. “It wasn’t all that bad. I got you out of that basement as quickly as I could. Made sure you had everything you needed. The only reason you had gone back into the cell was because you locked yourself inside. I’d made you breakfast that morning. I was gonna let you eat all the chocolate cake you wanted to that day.”

I placed a hand on my hip and looked at him pointedly. “You are leaving out the part where you grabbed my throat and held me against the fridge while squeezing so hard that I couldn’t breathe.” It was the one thing I held on to when my head started getting too obsessed with the man.

The sexy grin that stretched his lips as he stared at me through hooded eyes not only gave me butterflies, but ignited the tingling between my legs. I was a weak, shallow woman who seemed to place entirely too much importance on the appearance of a person. Because this man’s appearance could make me and my body think and do stupid things.

“I didn’t even leave a bruise. I’d have never held you that long. I knew exactly what you could take. You know, I have women who beg me to do to them what I did to you right when I’m about to make them come.”

Holy shit.

I needed to cross my legs. The things happening down there was not something I was familiar with. I swallowed, and the heat seemed to just intensify.

“You see, I think you missed me,” he said, taking a step closer to me.

I shook my head, not ready to speak just yet. I was afraid my voice would betray me and he’d know that my panties were now soaked. I needed counseling. Medication maybe.

“You sure about that, darlin’? Because when you saw me, there was a spark of excitement that had been missing all day in those pretty eyes.” He paused, and his smirk grew. “That was, until you saw Halo with me. Then, you got…jealous.” The last word rolled off his tongue like a dark taunt.

Was he making fun of me? Had I really shown my thoughts that clearly?

“I was not jealous. And that wasn’t excitement; it was fear,” I bit out.

He took another step toward me. “I don’t think so.” His words were a smooth, husky sound that again went straight to the area between my legs. “You were there with poster boy for a disappointing fuck, and then you saw me.” He stopped just before his body brushed against mine.

His eyes dropped to my chest, and I could hear my fast, heavy breathing, so I knew he could see it. I wasn’t scared. I should be, but I wasn’t. I was excited, nervous, uncertain of what he was doing. Why he was doing it. I had to stop this. I could not trust this man. That much I knew.

“Toby might be boring, but he’s safe. Does your date know shewas out with a killer who has no problem abducting women and leaving them in a basement?” I asked, lifting my chin, not liking that I had to tilt my head back to look up at him.

His body was pressed against mine, and the first real panic hit me.

Was he going to shove me in my trunk and leave me to die? Did he think I would tell Miss America about his dark side and she’d leave him?

I gripped the edge of my trunk, trying to gauge if I could hold on tight enough to keep from being forced backward.

Oz tilted his head as his eyes, made to entrance anyone stupid enough to look into them, trailed over my face. Then, he lifted a hand, and I held on, afraid this was it. I didn’t want to suffocate in my trunk with perfectly good groceries in the heat. I closed my eyes tightly, focused on saving myself, when a soft brush from his finger ran down my cheekbone.

My eyes flew open wide. Was this part of it? Distracting me so I’d ease my hold and pushing me inside would be easier. He stopped at my chin, and he ran his knuckle up to my bottom lip, then back down several times as he stared at it. I wasn’t breathing. I should probably get more oxygen since it might be my last, but he was making that hard. Along with my nipples.

“I was never going to kill you,” he said with a thick, raspy tone to his voice. “I’d slit any man’s throat that hurt you.”

I sucked in a deep breath. What had he just said?