Page 42 of Royal Guard

He finally looked up. The anger in his eyes almost made me step back. But I met his gaze: after all he’d been through for me, I could take it.

At last he dropped his eyes, marched past me and out of a fire exit. The rest of us raced to catch up. Seconds later, we were in the pickup, roaring away.

We’d lost everything. All our luggage had been in the house when it burned down. Our clothes were singed, tattered rags, our faces stained with smoke. Worst of all was the fury in Garrett’s eyes. I’d done the right thing but that didn’t make it okay.If his dad dies, if he’s not there….

The miles rolled by in silence and I watched Garrett’s anger harden and focus. His brow furrowed, just like it had back in the motel room when he’d spotted the broken vase. He was figuring something out, working through the possibilities.

And finally, he came to a conclusion.

I let out a scream as Garrett stamped on the brakes and the pickup went skidding sideways along the highway. He swerved us off the asphalt and onto the dirt. We bounced, leaned, and finally lurched to a stop facing the wrong way. Everyone was panting and cursing in fear.

Garrett was out immediately. He stalked around to the rear door and hurled it open. Then he reached in, grabbed Caroline by the neck and dragged her around to the front of the car. She screamed as he threw her down in the beam from the headlights.

Then he drew his gun and pointed it right at her head.



“Stop!”I flung open my door, jumped down and ran to him. “Stop!What are you doing?”

The barrel of Garrett’s gun never wavered. “Someone told the assassins we were at that motel,” he growled. “Someone told them we were at the ranch. It wasn’t Emerik. It wasn’t Jakov. She’s the only one left.”

Caroline was sobbing, hysterical. “This is crazy!I’m her friend! I’m herbest friend.”

I nearly grabbed Garrett’s arm but I was too scared the gun would go off. “Garrett, she’s right!” I told him.

He wheeled to face me. “Your Highness,let me handle this!If you want to help, search her!”

“Garrett, it’snot her!She’s my friend!”

“We all threw our phones away,” he said. “She must have another phone, or a radio. Some way of contacting them.”

I raised my hands in defeat. Doing it might placate him. “I’m sorry,” I told Caroline. “It’ll be okay.” Ihelped her stand. She was still wearing the jeans and t-shirt she’d fallen asleep in and I passed my hands gently over them. Nothing. Of course there was nothing. It was crazy to even think—

Wait. What wasthat,deep in her back pocket?

When I pulled out a phone, I nearly dropped it.

“It’s not what you think,” said Caroline.

I wanted to throw up.Caroline?!

“It’s not for the assassins!” she sobbed. “It’s for Sebastian!”

The world seemed to stop. I stared at her, incredulous. “Aleksander’s assistant?!”

Her eyes were full of tears. “We’re in love,” she whispered.

“Why keep it a secret?” asked Garrett. “Why have a second phone?”

“Palace staff aren’t allowed to fraternize,” I told him. “If anyone found out, they’d both be fired.” I stared at Caroline and felt my face fall as I figured out what had happened.

“What?” she demanded. “Look, it’s not the assassins! It’s just Sebastian! And I know I should have thrown it away along with my main one but no one’s tracking it! I bought it for cash and I only use it for him! He’s the only one who even knows I have it!”

Garrett and I exchanged looks. My stomach knotted.She doesn’t realize. Oh God, we’re going to have to tell her.

“What?”Caroline begged.