Page 19 of Royal Guard

The way she looked around in wonder at the landscape only made her seem more otherworldly. When she saw me watching her, she blushed. “Sorry, I’m just not used to…”—she waved her hand at the landscape. “When I thought of America, I thought of cities I’d seen on TV. New York. Washington. I didn’t know about all this.” She gazed at the vivid red cliffs. “Look at the colors!”

I glanced around, seeing it all with fresh eyes, and grunted in agreement. Itwaspretty, if you liked rough and rugged. “Ain’t got nothing on a Texas sunset, though,” I muttered. And for a crazy second, I had this deep hankering to show her one.

I’d never felt anything like this attraction before, not with the girls I’d known before I joined the marines, not with the girls in Texas I’d met on leave. I only had to hear her voice, see that face, and I was helpless. She was my exact opposite, as smooth and pristine as I was rough and dirty. So why was I so taken with her?

And it was more than just lust. Sure, I was having all sorts of filthy fantasies involving pulling the Princess down into the bed of the pickup and slowly stripping off her clothes, running my hands up and down her body until she begged me to fuck her. But I also couldn’t stop thinking about kissing her. Just kissing her.

But she was royalty. And even before whathappened in the desert screwed me up, I was just a jarhead, son of another jarhead. My dad used to say we were born with boots on our feet. The marines, or breeding horses...that’s all any of us Buchanans have ever done.A princess isn’t going to want me.

And yet I kept looking up and catching her looking at me. At my bare arms, at the denim stretched tight over my thighs. And then she’d quickly look away. And then I’d look at her, andshe’dcatchmeand I’d jerk my gaze back to the road. I could feel something building, growing with every mile we spent together. After two solid hours, I had to grip the steering wheel hard to stop myself from doing something slamming on the brakes and skidding to a stop by the side of the road. Taking her cheeks between my hands while she was still gaping in surprise and bringing my lips down on hers….

My foot actually twitched against the brake pedal. I had to break the silence or I was actually going to do it. “What was that thing you did with your hand?” I asked. “When the guy had a gun to your head.”

“Rans Tagaka,” she said.

I glanced at her, frowning. “Ranswhat?”It sounded like a character fromStar Wars.

“It’s the royal martial art.”

I blinked. “You have your own martial art?”

“One of my ancestors invented it, hundreds of years ago. A last-ditch defense, in case we’re attacked.” She looked down at her lap. “Being one of the royal family has always been dangerous.”

I tried to imagine growing up, knowing people wanted to kill you simply because of who you were. What a life. And she hadn’t asked for this, hadn’t stood for election or got to make a choice. She’d beenborn into it. I softly shook my head. Everyone thought she was so lucky. They didn’t see this part. That protective instinct hit me again: I just wanted to take her away from all this: not just the danger she was in but take her away frombeing a princess.Like that made any sense.

I drove right through the afternoon. By the time the sun started to set, we were well into Arizona. The interstate was a narrow strip of black cutting through bare desert and walls of red rock. As the sun went down, our headlights became the only light for miles and the sky above turned from blue to black to a shimmering carpet of stars stretching from one horizon to the other.

I figured we’d run far enough.

The next time I passed a sign for a motel, I turned off the interstate and followed the signs. When I found the place and killed the engine, it was so quiet I could hear my own breathing. For the first time all day, I relaxed a little. No one was going to find us out here.

The motel was a little single story place with only about ten rooms. But it looked clean enough and there was a rib shack next door for dinner. There were strings of colored light bulbs strung along the paths to light your way. A good thing because it was dark as hell. “Watch your step, Your Highness,” I murmured.

“Holes?” she asked, looking down.

“Snakes,” I told her gently.

I got us some rooms and told everyone to rest up for a half hour, and then we’d get some dinner. I needed time to figure out how to get her back to Lakovia undetected.

In my room, I dug out a fresh shirt to finallyreplace the one I’d torn that morning. Then I hesitated, looking in the mirror at my dust-streaked face and matted hair….

I took a long, hot shower and shampooed my hair. Tried to comb it into some sort of order. Then I caught myself trying to scrub the dirt from under my nails, where there’salwaysdirt.What the hell are you doing? Trying to impress her?I felt my neck color.You big idiot.I threw down the soap and pulled on the fresh shirt.

There was a creak of floorboards, just outside my door. I could see the person’s silhouette in the blind that covered my room’s window: a woman. I saw her raise her hand to knock, then put it down again. She did it a second time. A third time.

Was she...nervous?

I covered the distance to the door in two big strides and pulled the door open. The Princess yelped in surprise and jumped back, her hand still raised to knock. “Oh!”

I just stood there and stared.

“I wanted to check this was okay,” she said, glancing down at herself.

I couldn’t reply. She’d finally found some normal clothes. Jeans and a top, with heels. Except….

Exceptoh my God.

I’d only ever seen her in expensive clothes. Normal clothes didn’t make her look normal, they just showed off how different she really was. They made herglow.She’d pulled all that chestnut hair back into a ponytail to try to look less glamorous but all it did was expose more elegant, pale neck. My lips actually prickled, imagining the feel of that soft skin against them: the warmth of her throat, the beat of her pulse as I kisseddown the length of it.