Sabrina took the china from her and rubbed her back. “I know it’s unnerving. But soon you will be starting a new life. One that can bring you a lifetime of happiness if you allow it. It’ll require some work and patience.”
Meredith nodded, hoping her newly crafted plan wasn't obvious to Sabrina. She wasn't sure how that would be possible, but Sabrina had a sixth sense about her.
Starting a new life is what Sabrina had said. Yes, Meredith would be finally getting the life she wanted, one that would give her freedom without the baggage of a husband. She hated that she would be in the hole with what she owed Sabrina, but had every intention of paying her back. One day. Meredith chose to ignore the niggling thought about how her actions would be shafting two people.
If today’s events were any indication how this marriage was going to turn out, Jace wasn’t very hopeful. A flat tire on the truck, a coyote in the hen house, and Tuck had reported more missing cattle. The last place he needed to be was anywhere but the ranch.
Yet here he stood, hiding behind the corner, having come up on Sabrina and the woman, Meredith, unexpectedly. Not wanting to interrupt, he took the moment to take her in, this person who he would soon be legally bound to.
She was pretty in a way that most considered classic, though far too thin. A month on a cattle ranch would thicken her right up. Her glossy chestnut hair was tied up in some kind of formal arrangement he was certain his sister Willow would be able to label. Her features were not petite or overlarge but suited her perfectly, her nose straight and even. There was no button nose or heart-shaped mouth, no coquettish fluttering of lashes or feigning shyness. Instead she stood slack-mouthed and stared at the mountains. Normally he’d find her reaction encouraging, but he knew with one look she wasn’t hearty enough for thislifestyle. It would get to her, like it had to the others before her. Maybe not the first broken fingernail, but certainly the second, because for all her loveliness, he couldn't erase the image of her in a fancy gown from his memory. She was out of her element here, and he should save them all a bunch of trouble and back out.
“I don’t know if I will ever get tired of seeing that view. It’s incredible,” she said, the awe obvious in her husky voice. His chest filled with pride, and he thought about stepping from behind the corner to explain that she was looking at and assure her that, indeed, the view never did get old, but then he remembered that most everyone liked the view, at first, but not enough to stay.
Pops had a year if the doctor’s predictions were accurate. That's all he would ask. He tapped his Stetson against his thigh. He wasn’t so foolish to bank on forever, but if he could get her to stay until Pops was gone…yeah, until then.
Pops would take one look at Meredith and pat Jace’s back. Jace considered the merits of being up front with Meredith who, as far as he knew, was going into this intent on forever. Not that he'd consider that very likely. No, she was the type that could be broken by the ruggedness of living out here, and he'd be smart to be up front with her with hopes of striking a mutually satisfying bargain. He’d have to do it when Rina wasn’t around.
He ached between the shoulders. Christ, like he needed any more stress. Jace took a chance and sneaked another peek. She looked like a skittish filly, ready to flee. Yet the coiled tension she was emitting didn’t put him off like he’d expected. Had he come across her in any other setting, he’d have approached her. There was something he couldn’t yet identify that drew him toward her, and that’s why he decided to go through with the wedding.
OK, maybe that part about approaching her wasn’t true. He’d havethoughtof doing it. Wondered if they might have made aconnection, but like Rina had said to him on more than one occasion, he’d gotten lazy, allowed previous failed attempts to skew his perspective. Not that he was going to admit that to her anytime soon. He likely would have recognized Meredith’s skittishness, attributing it to a need for flight, and would have written her off. It was hard letting someone in only to watch them leave.
“Let’s go in, Meredith. It’s chilly out here,” Rina said and tugged Meredith’s elbow. She turned away slowly, possibly longing for one last look and, dare he hope, falling for his hometown? It wasn’t a lot for most people, but it was everything to some.
“It’s a cute town,” he heard her say as she followed Sabrina inside, the door closing behind her and cutting off any further conversation he might eavesdrop on.
She thought Bison's Prairie was cute, but how would she feel when she realized it consisted of the basics? Three churches, one housed in a barn, a grocery store, hardware and feed store, one bakery, one flower shop, a diner, and a small hospital that was really a medical clinic.
He leaned against the building and tried to process it all.
He was getting married. He’d worn his best gray suit, the one he only brought out for the high-profile meetings he had when he went to the auctions or stock exchange. He’d even gone the two hours up to Billings to get a new tie, something lighter than his usual somber style and had settled on a pale blue one that complimented the suit. While there, he’d picked up a simple white gold wedding band with diamonds running the length.
Girls liked diamonds, right? It would be a nice impression. At least that was the plan.
Jesus, who was he kidding? Deep inside, a part of him hoped this chick would stay. That he would be one of Rina’s successstories, but thoughts like that got him nothing but heartache, and he'd be smart to make a deal and stick to it.
“Hey, Peeping Tom. You coming in or what?” Sabrina appeared next to him, startling him from his reverie.
He jumped and swung his gaze to her. “What is wrong with you sneaking up on a man like that?”
“What is wrong with you peering around the corner like a ten year old? You lost your manners or something?”
“So you saw me, did you?”
Sabrina crossed her arms and raised one brow, her hip jutting out to the side.
“I thought it would be awkward coming up to you all like that. ‘Hey, I’m Jace. Guess we’re getting married today.’” He met her gaze for gaze.
“You just wanted to check her out without her knowing. You forget that I know you, Jace McAdams Shepard.”
Jace had the good sense to duck his head.
“And where are your parents? Why aren’t they here? I know Willow is in school, but shouldn’t your parents see you get married? Your momma is going to be livid as it is.” There was no change in her posture.
“What do I say Rina? Hey you all, I just met this here girl, and we’re getting married. Care to come witness?” Jace stuffed his hands in his pant pockets where his right hand toyed with the ring box.
“Okay, you have a point there. But they should be here. Tell them what you want. I suggest the truth, but it’s your life. Regardless, Pops will be brokenhearted to miss this.”