Page 68 of Chasing You

Kash looked like he would have been screaming if he could have. The sounds got louder, sloppier, his arms now shaking as they took all his body weight. His hips were moving like he could force Adele’s dick to make him come, but his own cock hung there wet, fat, leaking a steady stream, and desperate to be touched.

And Adele would touch him. Soon. Just not yet.

“So perfect for me. Everything about you is goddamn perfect.”

Kash started to shake his head, so Adele pressed harder on his mouth, forcing Kash back against his body so tightly he couldn’t move his neck.

“I don’t fucking think so. You’re mine, and you don’t get to argue with me or insult what belongs to me. Got it?”

Kash’s gaze met his in the mirror, and Adele was almost overwhelmed with the gratitude in his eyes. He nodded as best he could.

And that was when Adele knew it was time. He let Kash’s mouth go, only to twist his head as far as his neck would allow, and then he kissed him as his free hand grabbed his cock and began to jerk him hard and fast.

Kash didn’t quite kiss him back. The angle was weird, and he was too far gone to do more than let his mouth hang open while Adele shoved his tongue inside. His lips were wet, warm, and pliant as Adele took what he wanted. The thrust of his tongue matched the thrust of his hips, and the rhythm of his hand sliding up and down Kash’s shaft was enough.

Hell, maybe it was too much.

Kash collapsed backward in a heap as he came, crying into Adele’s mouth until he had no air left in his lungs. Come shot out, hitting the sink as Adele finally lost his strength, and the pair of them toppled back into the laundry hamper, then hit the ground.

It hurt, but Adele barely felt it as he unloaded inside Kash, his dick throbbing with each fast beat of his heart. He came and came, and for a brief moment—blind and unable to breathe—he thought he might never stop.

He came to a moment later with his arms wrappedaround Kash and his softening dick out, resting between Kash’s thighs. They were on their sides a little too close to the base of the toilet, where his first thought was,I think that needs an extra scrub.

He nearly laughed, but then Kash groaned, and Adele quickly forced himself to sit up so he could get his lover off the ground. Kash’s arms were limp, and so were his legs, which Adele was taking as a good sign.

“Alive?” he finally asked.

Kash let out a weak laugh and turned his head, mouthing at Adele’s neck. “Mm.”

“Good enough for me.” He propped himself up against the wall beside the hamper and yanked and tugged until Kash was better settled on his lap. He was far too big to cradle, but he still managed to make himself seem small, which Adele loved, especially because he knew the situation could be reversed.

And he had a feeling it would be someday. He knew that anytime he was feeling low or scared or sad, he could curl up into Kash like this and allow himself to be cocooned by the only other person he loved this fucking much.

“That was,” Kash eventually said, his voice still hoarse. “I don’t…uh…”

“Yeah,” Adele said, chuckling under his breath. “Me either.” He glanced over at the shower and realized the bathroom was full of steam. The last thing he wanted to do was exert the effort to shower, but they were both filthy with come and whatever funk was on the bathroom floor. “Come on. We need to get clean.”

“I hate you.”

Adele looked down at him. “No, you don’t.”

Kash sighed and relented. “Hate, love, fine line, all that.”

Adele burst into laughter as he shoved Kash over and stood, then offered two hands to help him to his feet. Kash still moved stiffly and cautiously, but his physical therapy, medication, and stress relief were making a huge difference. His spells were shorter and hadn’t been coming as often. It had been three weeks since submitting his request to the insurance company, and Adele had filed a request with his workman’s comp to cover anything the insurance didn’t take care of.

He knew that once this was over—not that it would ever really be over—Kash would have to officially retire. He’d get a pension, and it was a decent pension, which would allow him the time he needed to figure out what came next.

He had a feeling Kash hadn’t thought about any of that, but Adele also didn’t blame him for it. Kash’s head was a mess with fear and then his struggle to figure out what his new normal was going to be like. Panic had set in and his fear of being a drain on Adele or anyone else.

They’d get through this next part as soon as Adele got an answer.

For now, he was going forward with the calendar because even if his wheelchair was covered—and he was damn sure it would be—they still needed to make adjustments in the house. All of his guys had immediately jumped on the idea.

Hector, Antonio, and Brielle went on an internet deep dive to see all the accommodations Adele could and should have installed in his place. Ramps were a must and grip bars for the toilet and the shower. Brielle also found a kitchen reno company that could install counters that had a button to raise and lower them as needed, but she also pointed out that the cost was definitely more thanthey’d ever earn for the calendar—even with two going out that year.

They had a good start though, and Adele felt better about it.

He needed to discuss it with Kash, but right now, he wanted to bask in this. Things were shifting, changing, moving toward a security in the relationship Adele wasn’t sure he was ever going to have. Kash still didn’t participate in dad nights with his friends much, but he was around for Gage, and he sat at the table with them for dinner almost every night.