Page 24 of Chasing You

“Want me to move?” Kash asked.

Not on your life. He couldn’t bring himself to say the words, but he clung on tighter, hoping Kash would understand and hoping that this wouldn’t change anything. He knew there was a line they couldn’t cross. Not really.

They weren’t hormonal teenagers in their experimental phases anymore. This was real life, and there would be consequences if they crossed those lines. But he was willing to toe them. He was willing to step as close as he could get and indulge the part of himself that wanted to be unforgivably selfish.

“It’s been a while since anyone’s touched me like this,” Kash told him very softly.

“Didn’t have to be. You know I’m the best big spoon.” Adele rubbed his nose back and forth against the back of Kash’s neck, feeling the way that made him shudder. “All you have to do is let me in.”

God. Was this real?

“I, uh…” Kash’s voice was hoarse. “I should shower.”

Adele bit back the offer to help him. Instead, he loosened his arms. “Do you want any help?”

Kash was quiet for a long, long while. Eventually, he shook his head. “I think I’ve got it.”

“Okay. Shout if you need me.” Kash nodded as he pushed to his feet, but Adele knew that unless it was life or death, he wouldn’t. And that was the way it was now.

There was no going back.

Lying in bed, Adele did his best not to hyperfocus on the sounds of Kash in the shower, but he was both turned on and nervous. Thinking of Kash naked and touching himselfdid things to him, but he was also terrified that Kash was going to have another muscle spasm episode, fall, and concuss himself, so he couldn’t let himself sink into any kind of fantasy world where Kash could be his.

He was in his boxers under the covers but ready to jump up at any second. He stared up at the dark ceiling, partially regretting turning the lights off but also grateful Kash wouldn’t be able to see him half-hard and on edge when he came back into the room.

It felt like an eternity before the water shut off, and then another passed by as Kash was likely drying himself and getting dressed. Eventually, he heard the door slide open, and a shadowy figure appeared.

“I can’t see shit.”

“Sorry, let me?—”

“No,” Kash said as Adele fumbled for the light. “Just keep talking. I’ll find you.”

Adele sat back and watched as Kash’s shadow shuffled forward. “You’re a few feet from the empty bed.”

Thud! “Ow! Fuck!”

“Sorry,” Adele said, trying not to laugh.

“Asshole.” The word was angry, but there was still a smile in his tone. Another thud told Adele he knocked his shin against the bed frame again, and then there was sudden stillness and silence.


The blankets on his bed shifted, tugged down.

Adele cleared his throat. “I’m in this one.”

“I know.” Kash swallowed so heavily Adele could hear his throat clicking. “Is that…is it…okay?”

“Come here.” He shifted to the side, fluffing the pillow he wasn’t using, then pulled the blankets back. Kash slid beside him—naked save for his own boxers—and Adeletried to keep his dick away from Kash’s hip because it was now rock hard, and there was no hiding it.

Kash settled on his back, then rolled toward Adele. He could see the glint of his open eyes from the barely there lights coming from outside the window. “I’m sorry.”

“I’m going to start charging you for saying that instead of rent,” Adele warned.

Kash laughed—the sound kind of thick and hoarse. He pulled his knees up slightly, and Adele reached between his legs to adjust himself so he wouldn’t be as obvious as he leaned in to cuddle his best friend.

“Iamsorry though. For hiding. For pretending like nothing was wrong when it was. For thinking you were better off without me.”