Page 87 of Chasing You


“I refuseto let this count as a honeymoon. I’m thinking Cabo,” Gage said as he and Adele dropped their bags on the living room floor.

Adele lifted a brow at him. “When we take a real honeymoon, you’re not invited.”


“I second that. I love you, but I’m not having my kid tag along,” Kash said, wheeling through the doorway in his new chair. Lightweight with no armrests and a low back that allowed him to sit comfortably when he needed it.

And today was a day for it, Adele knew. His legs had been giving him trouble after the long hours on the road.

Adele walked over and leaned down to kiss him. “Exactly. I don’t need a walking, talking cock-block.”

“Disgusting. Oh my God, you’re sending me and my friends to Cabo or paying for my therapy.”

“I’ll take option B,” Adele said, “since I’m already paying for it.”

It felt good to be home, even if this wasn’tofficially home. But the three of them decided to take a month off everything to recover from the chaos of the fire, the wedding, and everything else that had led up to those hectic weeks.

The rental was exactly the way they’d left it—familiar and yet alien at the same time—and Adele was ready to put his feet up on the table and maybe have a meal that didn’t come from a restaurant or a gas station.

“I’m gonna take off,” Gage said, walking back into the living room after dropping his bags.

Adele stared at him. “We literally just got home.”

“Yep, and a month with you two is plenty, thank you.” When Adele’s stare didn’t relent, Gage rolled his eyes. “I’m going to hang with Lucas. We’re doing college talk stuff, and also, he got the new map from Saffron and April.”

The couple that owned the nerdy game store. Adele couldn’t forget those two. Before they left for the Cape, Gage and Lucas had been either at their shop or over at their place gaming, and Gage almost decided to skip the trip.

But Adele was glad he didn’t. He needed that time away with his little family.

“Fine. Drive safe and make smart choices.”

“Love you,” Gage said, pulling his dad in for a hug, then dropping to the couch to pull Kash in for one too. And then he was gone, like a tiny tornado that only left a little damage on his way out.

“Well,” Kash said.

Adele grinned at him and stalked over, dropping to the couch. “Alone at last.”

Gage had given them plenty of alone time on the trip, but Adele was looking forward to being able to take histime with his lover. Gage was planning on staying in town. He was still dead set on becoming a firefighter, but he also wanted his own place, and Adele was willing to make that happen while he got his EMT certification at the community college.

And once their house was done, he’d have time to fuck Kash in every room.

The couch was a good start though.

“I have a surprise for you,” Kash murmured as Adele began to lick at his mouth.


He heard something rattling and pulled back to see that Kash had pulled a prescription bottle out of his pocket, and he recognized the little pills instantly. His dystonia made getting an erection difficult sometimes, and these helped. They were a low dose and perfect for what two men creeping toward fifty needed.

Adele grinned. “When did you take that?”

“When we stopped at Royal Farms,” Kash said, pulling him in by his front. “It started working about twenty minutes from the house.”

“Ooh, poor thing.” Adele reached between them and ran the heel of his palm over Kash’s dick, making him gasp. “You must have been uncomfortable and needy.”

“Needy, yes. Uncomfortable…” He trailed off as his slightly stiff fingers began to work at the button on Adele’s jeans. “I knew the wait would be worth it.”