Page 66 of Chasing You

Adele hummed, then swung his legs toward the coffee table and shuffled closer until he was pressed right up against Kash. “Speaking of Gage. Have you seen him today?”

“He popped in for a minute to let me know he’s spending the night over at Lucas’s. They’re burning an effigy of that Braedon guy or whatever his name was.”

Adele raised a brow. “Man, he was really broken up about that dude, wasn’t he?”

He was. Gage wasn’t talking about it, but Kash had a feeling it was more than teen romance that had fallen apart. Gage was too much like his dad though. If they pushed him, he’d only end up more silent.

“I’m sure tonight will be the last of his woes,” Kash said, not quite believing it. But he was also feeling pessimistic after looking at the bill for the wheelchair options. He could still see those figures floating above his head, and his heart ached with disappointment because he knew his insurance wasn’t going to cover that. He’d already proven he could get around with his orthotics and cane. Asking for more would allow them to accuse him of being greedy.

“And there’s that face,” Adele said. “It was bad, wasn’t it?”

Kash swallowed heavily. He should have known there was no avoiding his best friend’s gaze. He took a long, slow breath. “The wheelchair I need is probably off the table.”

Adele sat up straight. “What? Did your doctor fuck you over?”

“No. No, I got the prescription for it,” Kash said. “Then I went to the supply company in town, and we went over options. She was pretty confident I was going to get turned down, but she submitted the request anyway. The one I need is really pricey.”

Adele sank back down. “Even if they deny you?—”

“Eight grand at least,” Kash said quietly. “And that’s for the shittiest model.” He swallowed heavily. “They have other ones. Uh…they’re not as lightweight, which she thinks will be pointless for my bad days, and I need this electric assist thing, and—and anyway, I’m starting to think there’s no point.”

Adele was quiet the whole time, his brow furrowed. Then his lips began to move, and he nodded. “Okay, so I have enough equity for?—”

“No.” Kash’s voice was firm. Not loud, but it was no-nonsense, and Adele immediately stopped for a beat.

“If you think I’m going to let you give up on this because of money, you’re out of your mind.”

“If you think I’m going to let you fuck with your house, you’re out ofyourmind,” Kash fired back.

Adele sat back with a heavy thud and folded his arms over his chest. “I have an idea.”

Kash hummed softly. “A ten-grand idea?”

“Maybe eleven.” Adele picked at his cuticles. “The calendar?—”

“That’s for the station,” Kash said swiftly.

“Actually, we got approved for our funding increase,” Adele told him. “I was going to announce the cancellation tomorrow. Some of the guys were going to be thrilled about it, but they’ll deal if it’s for you.”

“Some of the guys meaning you?” Kash asked.

Adele’s cheeks pinked. “Whatever. Two others might be a tad bummed about it, but they all like you. But yeah, for whatever reason, those fuckin’ weirdos were looking forward to stripping down and showing off their beans for charity, so they’ll be thrilled we don’t have to call it off.”

Kash burst into laughter in spite of himself. “No oneshows their goddamn balls on those calendars. I should know. I’ve done three.”

Adele sat up straight again. “Wait. What? You never told me about that!”

“I didn’t…” Kash hesitated. “I didn’t want you to see.”

Adele looked immediately hurt. “Why?”

“Because I didn’t think you wanted me that way, and I didn’t want my naked body to make you even less attracted to me.”

Adele’s entire body was so still, for a second, Kash thought maybe he’d broken him. Then suddenly, he snapped back to life, and before Kash could draw in a breath, Adele had him pinned to the couch. He kissed him deep, with heavy, lush pulls of his tongue until Kash was groaning and half-hard.

“You’re a dipshit.”

Kash sighed. “Yeah. I know.”