Page 52 of Chasing You

Adele leaned in, sucking gently against his hammering pulse. “That’s not you. It’s the tub. Let me do this for you. Let me give it to you.”

“Yes, yes,” Kash chanted.

Adele’s arm was still a little sore from his solo session, but he ignored the pain as he sped up, feeling the way Kash’s body was getting warmer, the way he was writhing, the way his chest was hitching with every inhale.

“Come on,” Adele whispered against his ear before moving his mouth to take another kiss.

Kash’s nostrils flared, and Adele knew he was close. He squeezed down, letting his own dick go so he could give his full attention to Kash’s. He gripped the tip, then slid all the way down toward his balls, and Kash’s back arched, and he cried out softly as his cock pulsed, and then he came.

He settled back with a shudder as Adele let him go and pressed a hand between his own legs. He wasn’t going to come, but he rocked against his palm for a moment until the urge passed. Half-hard still, he sat back and looked down into Kash’s face. He looked dazed and uncertain, and Adele hated that.

“Tell me you don’t regret this,” he whispered.

Kash swallowed heavily. “I don’t. But…”

Adele wanted to fucking scream. “But?”

Kash hesitated, then said, “Can we get out and talk?”

Those words were certain death. He knew that. No regrets, but no way forward. Adele knew he’d given himself entirely away, so he couldn’t pretend he was giving Kash a hand with something he couldn’t take care of himself. This was it.

He’d leapt, flown, and now he was falling.

It was all over before it had a chance to get started. He should have taken his time, damn it. He should have stuck with the plan to woo Kash until he couldn’t see straight.

But like always, he fucked it up.

“Please don’t make that face,” Kash said quietly. He reached a hand up and touched the edge of Adele’s jaw. “I’m not saying I didn’t want it. But things are complicated. I can’t…I can’t do this if we don’t talk about what it is.”

Adele’s heart settled in his chest. It was hope. It wasn’t a yes, but it wasn’t a no. He would cling to that for the rest of his life if he had to. “Okay, yeah. Let’s talk. You get dressed, and I’ll make us a space to get comfortable in the living room.”

Kash’s face softened. “Thank you.”

Adele nodded, stepping out of the tub and reaching for his towel. He wrapped it around his waist so Kash didn’t need to feel awkward about staring at his dick, and then he offered both hands to his friend. “You know I’ll do anything for you, right?”

Kash’s eyes cast down as he eased out of the tub and sat carefully on the edge of the stool without disturbing the snack tray. “I do know that. I’ve always known that.”

What Adele couldn’t figure out was why that sounded like it was a problem. But he supposed that was one thing he could put on the list because by the time the night was over, he was determined to have it all out on the table. Kash would finally understand how he felt, and then the ball would be in his court.

There was nothing else to be done.

“Do you need help?”

Kash shook his head. “I can make it from here. Living room in ten?”

Adele hesitated, then dipped down and waited for permission to kiss him. After a beat, Kash gave a slight nod, and Adele pressed their lips together. It was nothing like their kisses from before. It was uncertain and shy. But it was something.

He basked in the taste of his friend, and only after he was halfway satisfied did he ease back. “See you in a few.” Then, turning on his heel, he left before he cracked and changed his mind about everything.



Kash managedto hold off until he got into his room, and then he completely shook apart. He covered his mouth as his knees hit the side of his mattress, and he sobbed against his palm. He wasn’t crying, and frankly, he couldn’t tell if he was happy or sad. He was overwhelmed and completely terrified of how much the next few moments were going to change everything he held dear.

He’d suspected for a while, and he’d been ignoring it for too long, but now, it was out in the open. Adele wasn’t doing this to be kind. He wanted more than hushed hookups in the cover of darkness or out-of-town hotel rooms.

It was everything Kash had ever wanted, being offered in the palm of Adele’s gorgeous, impossibly strong hands. And it was everything Kash was too afraid to reach out and take because if it didn’t work out, he had everything to lose.