Adele shook his head with a smile. In truth, he needed a moment to get control of himself. He eased Kash to the little bench beside the tub and waited for him to sit. “Give me fifteen minutes at most. I’ll throw something together, and we can relax in the water.”
Kash looked at him for a long beat. “Why are you doing this for me?”
“Because I love you,” Adele said without a second of hesitation. “You’re my favorite person in the whole world, and I’m never happier than when I’m with you.”
Kash swallowed heavily. He looked like he had a hundred questions, and frankly, Adele would have answered them all. But he didn’t ask. He nodded, then took off his robe and swung around until he could slide his legs into the water.
Adele lingered only until he was sure Kash was safely on his backside, then turned and fled like he had Satan himself at his heels. And with the sins he wanted to commit with that man and his body, he wasn’t entirely sure he was off the mark.
He bypassed the kitchen and slid into the guest bathroom, shutting the door with a soft click and turning the lock. No one else was home, and no one was meant to be home, but he’d made that mistake more than once, and he couldn’t risk it this time.
He had to get himself off if he was going to manage getting naked and into a tub with Kash. Dropping the zipper on his jeans, Adele braced his hand on the wall and held his dick over the shower lip. Closing his eyes, all he had to do was conjure the round globes of Kash’s naked ass on the bench, and he was fully hard again.
“Fuck,” he whispered as he began to stroke. “Kash,Kash.” His name tumbled from his lips somewhere between a curse and a prayer. He wanted him so badly every atom in his body ached. He could feel the echo of Kash’s body writhing against his. He could taste his skin on the edges of his tongue, hear the faint ghost of his moans as Adele got him off. He could picture him almost perfectly behind his closed lids, sitting on the shower bench with his legs spread and his cock fat and full.
His hand sped up as he chased his orgasm.
“Adele,” the Kash in his mind whispered. “I want you. I need you…”
Fucking hell, he was so close.
“I’m in love with you.”
The imaginary words pierced his core, sending him flying toward ecstasy. His elbow burned as his hand moved, and he bit back a cry as he spilled onto the shower floor in hot bursts. His breathing was coming in shallow gasps, and it took him a moment to recover before he turned on the water and washed away the evidence.
He was still faintly trembling when he zipped himself back up, and he took a quick glance in the mirror and was startled to find the old man looking back at him. Was it lack of sleep that made his eyes so wrinkled in the corners? Was it all the current stress making the hair at his temples go grey?
He turned away from his reflection, moving into the kitchen, and he was relieved he’d only been in the bathroom a couple of minutes. He didn’t have time for a whole feast, but he found enough to make a mini snack tray, and he added a couple of glasses of ice water before heading to his bedroom.
In spite of having just come so hard he saw stars, Adele still felt on edge. His skin was sensitive, and he felt needy, like the only thing that could settle him was being held. He did his best to shove that thought away, hip-checking the bathroom door open, and he let out a small sigh of relief when he found Kash awake and scrolling on his phone like nothing in the world was wrong.
“I have munchies,” Adele said, setting the tray down on the bench.
Kash let his phone tip off the side of the tub and clatter to the floor. “I think I’m actually starving.”
Adele rolled his eyes and reached for the hem of his shirt, grateful he’d rubbed one out so his hard-on mighttake a break and let blood flow to his brain. At least for a little while. He could still feel the thrum of desire rushing through his veins when he looked at Kash’s naked chest.
The tinted water lapped at his chest, swirling his dark hair, playing with his nipples, which were peaked. Adele’s mouth watered with the need to put his lips on him, and he quickly glanced away as he shimmied out of his pants and kicked them to the side.
He heard a soft intake of breath, but he deliberately didn’t look at Kash’s face as he stepped both feet into the warm water and settled down.
“Let me—” Kash said, grunting as he pulled himself up into a seated position.
In spite of the tub’s size, two grown men were a tight squeeze, but Adele didn’t hate the fact that Kash’s legs settled around his. He felt cocooned and warm, and even with the faucet digging into his shoulder, he had never felt more comfortable.
“Food,” Kash said.
His demand broke Adele’s tense mood, and he laughed, tugging the little stool closer so Kash could reach it. “Every crumb, young man.”
Kash rolled his eyes as he piled a table cracker high with meat and cheese. He chewed slowly, head leaning back against the wall, eyes closed in pleasure. It wasn’t the same expression he got when Adele had his hand on his dick, but it was close enough to make his own twitch beneath the opaque water.
He willed himself to stay soft. At least for the moment. He wanted Kash to soak longer, to eat more, to rest his body so whatever they did after this wouldn’t take such a huge toll.
Adele wanted to be a thousand things for him, but the one thing he’d never tolerate was being a burden.
“You have your thinky face on,” Kash pointed out.
Adele sighed and shrugged, easing lower into the water. It wasn’t as warm as before, but it was tolerable. “I’m sorry about today.”