“This is not the same thing,” Kash finally said, “and you know it. If this was a sake night, you might have an argument, but I’m stone sober and angry that my legs won’t even work long enough for me to wash my goddamn balls.”
“I get it,” Adele said softly. “But drunk or sober, I’m always going to be here to help, so you need to get your head out of your ass and accept that.” Adele rose up again, offering his hands, and this time, Kash didn’t fight him.
He stood on shaking legs and let Adele take his weight until he could sit on the bench. When he was stable, Adele took the sprayer down and cupped Kash’s chin, tilting hishead back. All of Kash’s breath fled his chest as water began to rinse the remaining soap from his hair.
He kept his eyes shut. If he opened them, he knew Adele would be able to read the longing in them.
“Almost done,” Adele said softly.
Kash hummed, not trusting his tongue to not betray him. Instead, he leaned into the touch, letting his body fall forward so Adele could get the bubbles off his back. A warm hand brushed over him, and Kash felt his cock twitch.
Don’t, he begged his body. But it was impossible to ignore how good it felt to be touched like this. Adele’s fingers teased the top of his ass, and before he could stop himself, Kash groaned.
There was a beat of absolute stillness, and then Adele dropped down to his knees in front of the bench and forced Kash to meet his gaze. Their eyes locked, and then the moment shattered when Adele glanced down to see that Kash was hard.
Adele bit his lip. He was gripping the shower handle so tightly his knuckles were yellow-white, and his hand was trembling.
Kash was going to fuck this all up if he chose the next few moments wrong, but he had no idea what was right anymore. He was feeling greedy and horny and desperate, and all he wanted was for Adele to touch him the way he had in the hotel room. And he knew that wasn’t fair.
Adele’s free hand grazed his knee. His fingers crept higher, ghosting the inside of his thigh, making his muscles twitch. He fought off another moan, but it was difficult when he was being teased with the one thing he wanted more than anything.
Adele was watching him, staring at him like he wastrying to read him. Kash knew he should say no. There was no reason in the world to say yes. His hands were fine, and he’d finally been able to stop thinking about Adele touching him…
Until Adele had stepped inside the shower.
And now here they were, and he was weak.
“Close your eyes,” Adele said. “You can pretend I’m anyone you want. Just say yes.”
Kash opened his mouth to tell him no, but then Adele’s fingers touched his balls. It was a quick rub, but it shattered his resolve entirely, and his hands gripped the top of Adele’s shoulders, fingers digging into his skin. “Yes.”
Kash shuddered as Adele’s hand closed over him and began to stroke—an almost painfully slow motion from root to tip. “Please,” Kash whispered, his voice rough and ragged. “Please,please. Faster. Harder.”
Adele quickly obeyed. His hand sped up, and behind his lids, Kash’s vision went white. He went from zero to a hundred between one breath and the next, and all he wanted to do was lift his head and kiss the man kneeling in front of him. But he wouldn’t. Couldn’t.
Adele’s head was turned away, which meant he didn’t want Kash to look at him. His heart added another crack to the already spiderwebbed mess it had become, but in that moment, what did a little more pain matter in the face of this pleasure?
His face began to heat with his impending orgasm, and in spite of his stiff legs, his hips began to push forward.
“Yeah. Take it,” Adele murmured.
White-hot pleasure rushed through Kash at those words. Adele’s name tumbled off the edge of his tongue as he let go, coming in hot spurts all over his best friend’s knuckles. The water immediately began to wash away theevidence of what had happened, but it couldn’t erase the man crouched in front of him who had given that to him.
And it didn’t stop Kash from a moment of sudden emotional weakness. He dropped his face into the crook of Adele’s neck and nuzzled there, breathing him in until he knew he was too close to the line he was trying not to cross.
He was afraid to look up suddenly, but he was also afraid not to.
He cracked open his eyes to find Adele’s face entirely unreadable. He didn’t look angry though, that much was obvious. Maybe he felt a little sad. And there might be some regret hidden in the earth-brown irises, but there was no hate. And no regret.
Adele pressed his finger to Kash’s lips and held it there. “Don’t. Not now. Not for this.”
Kash nodded, then eased back, and Adele finished washing him up before turning off the water. His boxers were dripping and tented from his own erection, but Kash was pretty sure Adele would turn him down if he offered to return the favor. And that was a rejection he didn’t feel strong enough to take.
So he sat there soggy and a little hollow as Adele stepped out, wrapped a towel around his own waist, then held his hands out for Kash.