“It’s your roommate, right? Kash?”
Adele glanced at the door to make sure no one was lingering nearby, and then he nodded and glanced away. He held his arms tightly around his middle like he could protect himself from the pain. Or maybe hold it in so it didn’t come erupting through his skin and making a big mess all over everyone.
“Sorry if I’m putting my nose where it don’t belong,” Ridge said very softly.
Adele shook his head. “Nah. It’s not you. It’s all me. And, well, him.”
“You two have been best friends forever, right?”
Adele nodded.
“And you’re torn up because you’re in love with him?” Ridge asked so quietly Adele read the words mostly off his lips, but they rang out like a gunshot anyway because they were the most brutal truth.
Adele’s head bowed as the pain of realization hit him. He was in love with Kash. He was helplessly and forever going to be in love with him. There was no saving him from that fate, and in that moment, he wondered if he could die from pining.
“Does he know?”
Adele swallowed heavily. “I don’t think so, but if hedoes, he’s doing a good job at pretending. And I think that might be on purpose so he doesn’t have to tell me he’ll never love me back.”
“Ah, shit.” Ridge put the two trays of enchiladas in the oven before it was done preheating, and then he set the beans by the stove and took the chair next to Adele. After a beat, he reached for him, closing his fingers around Adele’s hands and squeezing. “I can’t imagine how rough that is.”
Adele was grateful Ridge didn’t understand his pain, but it, once again, made him feel more alone than he ever had been. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath. “I keep telling myself I’ll get over it, but after this many years, I know I won’t. I think right now, I want to not worry that whatever’s going on with him is going to get bet?—”
Adele’s jaw snapped shut when Kash appeared. He was walking without his cane, though his steps were slow, and his right hand was curled into a fist tight enough to tell Adele that it wasn’t voluntary. When Kash followed his gaze, he flushed and shook his arm until his sleeve covered his fingers.
Adele said nothing about it. Instead, he got up and walked over, setting his hand on Kash’s shoulder. “Official introductions?”
“We met at the barbeque,” Kash said softly.
Ridge hopped up and stuck out his right hand, then switched to his left. Shit. He’d noticed. Kash’s cheeks darkened a bit, but he took Ridge’s hand anyway. “Hey! Nice to see you again. Hope you like enchiladas. They’re gringo style—not too spicy, baked with the sauce on top.”
Kash grinned at him, looking at ease, which probably meant he hadn’t heard anything he and Adele had been saying. “Sounds great, but you don’t have to worry aboutthe spice on my account. That’s this old-ass man right here.” He nudged Adele.
“First of all, fuck you. Second, my doctor said I have to take it easy. Not stop entirely,” Adele said, patting his stomach. He had several rolls of cheap gas station Tums in his desk for taco Tuesdays and burrito Fridays. He let go of Kash’s shoulder but kept in close as his friend made his way to the table.
“Can I help?”
Ridge began to paw around the cupboards and eventually found a pot for the beans. “Nah, I got it. I’m gonna throw some dinosaur nuggets in the oven for Ina in a bit.”
“Dino nuggets!” The shout came from Gage in the living room.
Adele rolled his eyes. “You’re not five. You’re having what the grown-ups are having.”
“No one’s too old for dino nuggies,” Gage complained. He appeared a second later and walked up to Adele, shoving the baby at him. She nestled in close and laid her head on his shoulder, comfortable like she’d known him her entire life.
Gage walked over and draped his arms over Kash’s shoulders in a loose hug. Kash’s eyes closed, and Adele let himself feel the pain of seeing the family that would never be his.
“Love you, kid,” Kash said.
Gage grinned. “Love you more. Will y’all hate me if I bail on dinner?”
Ridge pressed a hand to his chest. “My enchiladas? Mynuggies?”
Gage grinned and let Kash go, opening his arms. Ridge drew him in for a fierce hug. “I’m too adorable for youto hate me.”
“Try again. I have a toddler.”