That would make Silas’ reaction more valid. Though she still couldn’t shake the question of why her dad had hired the geologist and where all that documentation went. Calling her dad meticulous about detailing everything was an understatement.
“If that’s the case, it would make sense Silas wouldbe upset, and maybe the taken care of is nothing more than making sure the mine had everything up to par.” Tiikâan shook his head. “I don’t know much of anything about mining, but would the EPA give you the okay to proceed if there was concern?”
Maybe. She wasn’t so naive to not realize that there were often corners cut or wheels greased when it came to mining.
Some operations had so many lawsuits they should be shut down, but they weren’t. In fact, the lawsuits seemed not to have any negative consequences on future ventures.
Was that what was happening with HGR?
She shook her head.
As much of a bull as her dad had been in getting his way, he also prided himself on having the most environmentally conscious company in the world. He’d made great strides and sacrifices in improving mining practices so that not only was the impact less destructive, but also regenerative.
Maybe Tiikâan was right and the AMD claim was not genuine.
“Okay. So, until I have evidence to the contrary, I need to assume the mine is safe, which means I need to hold these community meetings in places I know next to nothing about.”
“I think I know someone who could help with that.” He banked the plane to line up for landing.
“You do?”
She shouldn’t be surprised. He had told her thatAlaska was just one big small town. He flashed her a smile that gave her a jolt of energy that burned away her exhaustion better than any caffeinated drink ever had.
He winked. “How do you feel about Mexican takeout?”
The warm, sudsy water relaxed the tension in Tiikâan’s shoulders. Declan and Merritt’s laughter eased the stress even more.
It was odd that having her in the Barrow Bachelor Bunk felt natural. She hadn’t balked at the small space or Tiikâan’s large, obnoxious friend. She’d just slid right into the environment like she’d always belonged.
Like a chameleon.
Tiikâan’s hand stilled on the plate, and he tipped his head to study Merritt talking to Declan on the couch as they studied a map of Alaska. She totally gave off chameleon vibes, changing and adapting to the situation.
The person he first met who had eviscerated her stepsister with a handful of frigid words was not the same woman who wore indifference in front of her stepbrother nor the commanding boss presence as she interacted with the employees at the mine. And with him, a completely new person emerged, one filled with warmth and worry forothers.
Who was the real Merritt Harland?
Did she even know?
Declan ran his finger along the map. “So, you’re sure the mine is safe and won’t give the fish three eyes or turn the caribou carnivorous? I don’t want to give information about these villages to further the grasping reach of the insidious capitalist.”
Tiikâan rolled his eyes and slid the plate into the drying rack. Leave it to Declan to get straight to the point.
“No secret motives here.” Merritt chuckled, but her eyes darted to Tiikâan. “I have report after report stating that the containment procedures of the mine will keep any dangerous side effects handled. Honestly, my father was a nut about safety and responsibility. He wouldn’t have moved forward if there was a possibility of contamination.”
Her forehead creased, and she shot another look Tiikâan’s way. He gave her a nod of encouragement.
In truth, her hesitance eased his worries. She wouldn’t let the mine move forward if legitimate concerns were raised.
Tiikâan hadn’t exactly lied to Merritt when he’d suggested that the geologist had ulterior motives and Silas’ fury could be from that. Tiikâan had spent hours staring at the forest surrounding the mine, thinking about the different angles and nuances for the conversation he’d overheard.
Really, it came down to two options: either Silas’ frustration was born out of injustice or he was as guilty asa bear stealing from a fish wheel and as evil as a rabid wolverine.
Either way, there wasn’t anything Tiikâan could do to find out. That was way over his pay grade. And his intelligence, if he was being honest.