Lizzy had blushed at Salonica when Wickham had rated Ned too gentle. It occurred to her that she actually had been embarrassed forDarcy.Whatever Darcy was?and Lizzy wasn't sure she knew exactly what to call the MI-6 agent (vexing man!)?he was nosimp.
She could not dwell on that realization, though. Wickham was waiting for Fanny to respond. Darcy needed to be separated from Ned in her mind so that she would not respond on behalf of one to what was aimed at the other.
"It's okay…good,actually." She breathed out the word. "I'm glad you called. I enjoyed last night, too." She started to use his word,immensely, but then dialed it back. "A lot."
"I'm delighted, and I’m delighted you aren't offended by my call. I want to mention a dinner idea to you to see if you like it."
"There's a fancy place in Chicago on lots of foodie bucket lists, a place called Alinea. Have you heard of it? Some magazines have rated it the best restaurant in the world."
The big guns,Lizzy thought.Wickham's breaking out the big guns. She blushed at her own term. "No, I haven't heard of it. But I do love food. How could you get a reservation at a place like that on the spur of the moment?"
He chuckled, the sound low and obviously intended to seduce, the first time he had treated her to that particular sound.Big guns."Let that be my secret. But I do have reservations inthe Salon. They have various dining rooms and different tasting menus in each. The Salon is probably the most…intimate. However, since the presentation of the food is decidedly theatrical, it's not private."
He really is good at this."That sounds interesting…I mean lovely. Sure. When will you be by?"
"Rook and I will be there at 7:30 p.m. Our reservation should give us ample time. You needn't dress too formally, but I will wear a suit."
Lizzy thought of the fuchsia dress. "I have something, I think."
"Very good. I will look forward to seeing you in it. That black mini dress at Lady Catherine's party has…lingered in my mind."The way to capture a man is through his imagination.
Lizzy stalled again, letting the silence stretch as she tried to decide how Fanny should respond. "That's too much praise, too much flattery, George. But…I'm glad you liked it. Ned did, too."Can't let Ned disappear too fast.
"No doubt, no doubt." He brushed Ned aside. "I will see you this evening."
"Thanks, and thanks for such…generous plans."
"Think nothing of it. I have wanted to go for a long time, and they don’t take reservations for one, so you're doing me a favor."Definitely good at this. He collects women,as Father Robyn had told her.
"Okay, see you this evening. 7:30 p.m."
"Bye, Fanny."
"Bye, George."
Lizzy put down the phone, swallowing hard. Alinea proved it. Despite his graceful remark about Fanny doing him a favor, Wickham was prepared to push her for her favors. She already dreaded the evening to come.
She took a minute to slip off her jacket and kick off her shoes. Darcy or Charlie or both would soon follow up on the phone call from Wickham, but she was not ready to face that follow-up.
She filled the bathroom sink with hot water, sank a washcloth in it, wrung it out, and wiped her face and hands. Her face in the mirror reflected her weariness.
A nap before Alinea would be prudent. For a spy, especially one under cover, sleep was perhaps the most important of all weapons, a break from the pressure of pretense, a chance to recharge. The problem with being under cover awake was that nothing about it could ever be truly relaxing…except sleep. While undercover, lounging was pretending to lounge, relaxing pretending to relax. Nothing was what it was; everything was itself and another thing and, thus doubled, exhausting.
But before sleep, she must do the obligatory follow-up. She dried her face and hands on a clean towel, returned to the kitchen, climbed on a stool, and opened the laptop.
When Darcy appeared on the screen, Lizzy could tell that he was troubled, though he tried to hide it. His neck was flushed.
"You heard?" she asked, forgoing any introduction.
Darcy nodded, his brows contracted. "I did. Bingley's already at work on Alinea and its environs. He'll trail you again tonight. I will be here keeping up with the video and audio. Wickham's not wasting time."
That was Lizzy's view, too. Something about Darcy's delivery of it irritated her, though. "That's what we want, right? We don't want this to stretch out longer than necessary. More chances for accidents."
"True, but hurrying Fanny, or trying to, could also be a test by Wickham, deciding whether you are already corrupt or if he will have the satisfaction of corrupting you himself."
"By finding out how long I will cling to Ned?"