He remembered Imam Al-Hädi ibn Mirza had christened him the Strategist after a particularly intricate plan he’d devised to kill a Shiite banker in Syria who was helping to fund Hezbollah. Hercule had profited handsomely from that plan, seizing a shipment of large bills before the man died in a hail of bullets. The imam never learned that detail. The imam thought of Hercule as a committed genius who would help him bring the world to Islam, a true believer to whom money meant little. So did dozens of hardened fighters who had worked for him and who feared his name. He’d heard one of his most trusted, skilled men, Bahar, call him the iron fist inside the imam’s velvet glove. Until he decided otherwise, for the moment, he would continue to be tied to the imam.

He’d been based in London for seven years now, and each year he’d learned from his mistakes. Some had cost lives and, more important, cost him money. He had won the right to choose the targets the imam funded, putting Hercule in command of dozens of jihadists. He agreed with some of their grievances, but he saw them as misguided thugs who did as he asked for very little money. What better cover could he ask for than mindless acts of terrorism when there was an opportunity for profit?

It had been years since Hercule had allowed the imam to help plan an operation, but this time, against his better judgment, he had. Nasim Conklin had been a big mistake. Hercule wouldn’t have used that kind of leverage. It was too uncertain, too unpredictable. You could always count on a true believer, but using a man’s family as a sword over his head was taking too big a risk. The imam had been certain Nasim would make the perfect tool. He would give up his life for his family, the imam was certain. He had refused to approve Bella without his being used, and Hercule needed the imam’s backing for this project. The stakes were too high. But there was more, Hercule knew it simply because he knew the imam so well, knew he hadn’t told him his real reason for wanting Nasim Conklin to give up his life at JFK.

He got up to ease his frustration. He cracked his neck and stretched as he walked to the wide suite windows that looked toward the Charles River. He couldn’t actually see the water, not in the middle of the night, but knowing it was there was somehow satisfying. The endless flow, the gentle lash of waves against the docks, the water lipping the sloping grassy shoreline: it was like watching the Thames from his apartment window in London. It helped him think.

Hercule turned away from the window. He was tired but knew he couldn’t sleep yet. It was time to meet the failures of the past few days head-on, to look at every step taken, every decision, and why each had failed. He had to salvage what he could of his meticulous plan, his brilliant project, Bella, named after a particularly inventive lover he’d enjoyed for several months in the South of France.

He’d even come to the States to oversee the details directly, his cover a lecture at Boston University, and that had gone well. But Bella’s kickoff? It had dived headfirst into the crapper.

It was his thirty-seventh birthday and everything was cocked up.

Letting Al-Hädi ibn Mirza talk him into using Nasim Conklin to provide the grenade blast at JFK as a diversion was the obvious first mistake. Nasim had screwed up royally, was taken down by an FBI agent in the security line—a woman, of all things. It was a completely avoidable blunder, but not in itself fatal to his plan. It had worked as a diversion, in any case.

Then the wretched bad luck of the altar boy finding the bomb in the utility closet at St. Patrick’s, the priest hurling the bomb out onto Fifth Avenue. No one had been killed, not a single stone ripped from St. Patrick’s belly or even its newly shined-up façade. And worst of all, the vice president was still alive and well, a surviving hero. He would have to devise a new plan to remove him from this earth.

Two failures. The imam had consoled him that it was bad luck all around, but Hercule knew to his gut it wasn’t bad luck at JFK. Out of respect, Hercule hadn’t pointed out the obvious to the imam, that Nasim had been the imam’s mistake. It was on Hercule’s head nevertheless, because he hadn’t said no. The imam would never make him go against his better judgment again.

As for St. Patrick’s, yes, he would accept that every plan had risks, a small chance of failure, even if it was planned perfectly. But today in France, they wouldn’t be so lucky.

He sat back down on the sofa, leaned his head against the soft cushion, and closed his eyes. He didn’t even know for certain whether that idiot Nasim was dead, whether that irritating thread had been nipped.

He’d sent Jamil Nazari, his best sniper, a longtime friend in Algeria, to kill him. The GPS chip in Nasim’s armpit would guide him, and Hercule had his family under his control. He surely expected Jamil to succeed, dangerous as it was for him. When Jamil called him on his business phone to tell him the FBI woman from the airport was there with Nasim at the safe house, Hercule happily gave the order to take her out as well. Surely the FBI hadn’t gotten their hands on that burner phone—Jamil was always too careful for that.