“His family flew into the U.S. on Tuesday to Boston’s Logan International, cleared customs, and walked out of the terminal, escorted by two unidentified men who were also on the plane. We see them being taken to a black SUV, the license plate muddied so no identification is possible. Both the men were wearing hats and sunglasses, making facial recognition impossible. We found two men on the flight who checked in with forged American passports. The passports are excellent forgeries, but the ID photos were altered. We believe they were the family’s handlers.

“As Agent Giusti said, our working theory is that Nasim was indeed the goat. He was forced into the attempted suicide bombing at JFK to keep his family alive, and that his family was being held hostage by the terrorists. They may still be in the Boston area, since that’s where they landed. In your packets, you have photos of the Conklin family. Mrs. Conklin doesn’t look frightened, so she was probably told she would be joining her husband. She may have had no idea what her husband was being forced to do. It’s possible the family is no longer alive, I mean, Nasim did fail in his mission. Kelly?”

Kelly nodded. “We need to verify that Nasim Conklin’s only motive was to protect his family. So far we haven’t found anything to indicate otherwise. The question then is: Why did they single Nasim out? We need to examine his phone records, talk to his contacts and acquaintances, check his e-mail and Internet activity, his financial history, learn more about his family life and religious beliefs.

“And in the last few days: Where was he staying? Where did he get the grenade? Who did he speak to during the day and a half he was here in New York? What is the significance of the name—Bella—as it isn’t his wife’s name? Could it be the code name of their operation? Agent Valicky at the NSDA is checking the chatter on that. If we find out where he stayed, we might find his cell phone.

“We need to follow Conklin’s path in the past six months, identify who he spoke to, who he met with. And we’ll check in to his mother’s activities as well. MI5 is all over much of this. Your packets spell out a specific focus for each of you.

“Some of you will be working on the bombing at Saint Patrick’s. It’s obvious Saint Patrick’s was the real target and JFK the diversion. Unfortunately, we have less to go on there. We have feed from three webcams and two traffic cams that show a man we believe to be of Middle Eastern extraction carrying a backpack directly into Saint Patrick’s two hours before the bomb was found by Romeo Rodriguez. He’s wearing a cap and sunglasses. We haven’t identified him yet.” She turned on a video feed. “You’ll see here we have a small part of his jawline and nose, so there’s still a possibility facial recognition will help, if they can match these features to a known terrorist. There’s not much point releasing that partial to the public, though.

“We’re looking for witnesses who may have seen him before he entered Saint Pat’s or when he came out. Also, if the bomber stayed around, there are hundreds of cell-phone videos, plus all the webcam footage we’re hoping will identify him.

“We need to know if this plot is the brainchild of Al Qaeda, ISIS, or a smaller radical group. It appears to come out of London, so that’s our focus, particularly the South London Mosque and Imam Al-Hädi ibn Mirza, until we know for sure otherwise. Agent Drummond”—Kelly nodded to him, and Nicholas gave a little wave—“is our liaison with MI5. He’ll be updating your data packs periodically as we learn more about what’s going on in London.

“You may have heard a brief discussion about the question of a lawyer for Mr. Conklin. The word has come down. There will be no lawyer for now. We have sole custody. We’ve decided to take him to a safe house for the benefit of all. The location is classified.” She paused, didn’t want to admit this, but she had to. Suck it up, Giusti. “Here it is. So far Conklin refuses to say anything. He keeps insisting he wants to speak to Agent Sherlock, the FBI agent who brought him down at JFK. However, we will continue working on him. I’m confident we’ll get him to open up.”

“If he doesn’t, will Agent Sherlock be joining the operation?” Nicholas Drummond asked.

How odd it was to hear a British accent coming out of an FBI agent’s mouth. Kelly said only, “We’ll see.”

An agent from Homeland Security said, “We haven’t even discussed the possibility that the attack on Saint Patrick’s Cathedral could have been an attempt to assassinate the vice president of the United States. There were also a number of high-ranking state and federal politicians and businesspeople there.”