“Yes, I do.”
“How do you know him?”
“He’s my lover.”
Johnson tries to maintain a poker face, but his eyebrows jump in surprise.
"Do you know Santiago Molina?"
"Yes, I do."
"How do you know him?"
"He is also my lover. So is Matthew Richardson, in case you're going to ask."
"So you're with all three of them?"
"Yessir!" I say cheerily. "Sometimes one on one, sometimes together. Whatever floats our boat that day."
Suit shifts uncomfortably in his chair. He's lost the upper hand. He tries another angle.
“How did you meet Rico? What is a soccer mom like you doing with a low-life drug dealer like that?”
“Oh dear, drugs?” I lean forward, feigning concern and flexing my acting skills. “What kind of drugs? Like Advil and Aleve or like meth and heroine?”
“Actually, I’m not sure exactly what yet, but…”
I lean back. “Oh dear, are you racial profiling? Because he’s Hispanic and has neck tattoos? Really not cool of you…I don't think you guys are supposed to do that anymore.” I lean back, crossing my arms against my chest.
Suit slaps his hand hard against the table. “I’ll be the one asking the questions.” He shouts.
“Listen here, young man,” I respond, using my mom-voice – one that I reserve for keeping my kids in line - and apparently small men with large egos. “I’m here voluntarily as a witness. I don’t have to be here. As far as I understand, unless you’re going to arrest me and charge me with something I’m free to leave at any time, but here I am, cooperating with you. You’d do better being a little more respectful to a volunteer witness. Catch more flies with honey…didn’t your mother ever teach you that?”
He closes his eyes and pinches the brow of his nose. Gotcha, you little fucker.
“Okay, I’m sorry. Let’s start again. How did you meet Rico?”
I pause before answering, letting him squirm a little.
“One night a few months ago I went down to a shadier part of town…” Oh right, buying pot is illegal… “To buy a meditation tape.” No one sells tapes anymore, but whatever, I'm not the one on trial. “Rico saw me and thought that it wasn’t safe for me so he helped me get home safely. Then we listened to the meditation tape together and started a friendship. He really is my knight in shining armor.”
Suit shakes his head incredulously while Johnson lets a smirk break through his scowl.
Suit changes tactics. “Where were you last night around 9?”
“At home, with Rico.”
“And what were you doing?”
“At nine?”
“Walk me through the entire night, please.”
“Well, at nine I believe the boys were running a gangbang train on me on the kitchen island, or was it the dining room table…” I start, feigning like I'm struggling to remember. Brightly, I lock eyes with Suit. "They really do love to use me as their cum bucket. It gets me all sorts of hot and bothered."
Suit’s eyes go wide while Johnson covers a choking laugh with a cough.
“And then when my swollen clit couldn’t take anymore I begged them to stop. My boys really are so good to me. Matty's as submissive as the day is long and Santi's hung like a horse..." I sigh wistfully. "It's always the quiet ones, ya know?"