I lean up on my elbows and peer over my shoulder at him.
"Wait. What did you mean 'not that you need it'? I'm broke as hell if I don't have my husband or the club's money."
Matty winces before looking up at me from under his lashes, giving me a guilty look.
"Matthew." I scold. I've got that mom-voice down pat.
He shakes his head before leaning back and fiddling with the filing cabinet.
"I can't lie to you. And you would have found out anyway." He mutters to himself, before handing me a new folder.
But this one's a bank-statement for a Navy Federal Credit Union account. With millions of dollars in it. Except, you need to be a veteran or a family member of a veteran to open an account withthem. And who the fuck has millions. Except...my name is listed at the top.
I sit up suddenly, my brain trying to make sense of everything.
"Matty, why is there a bank account, under my name, that I never opened, that has more than TEN MILLION DOLLARS in it?"
He winces.
"Is ten not enough? We actually debated it..." he looks sheepish and chastised.
I pinch the bridge of my nose and breathe deeply. "Let me get this straight. You committed identity fraud to open a Navy Fed account in my name, and wired ten MILLION dollars to it?"
He looks at me lamely, like he's not sure what he's supposed to say.
"But you'll also get everything from the lady's nights!"
Sweet summer child.
"I can't just accept your money!"
"Why not? It's not real."
"What do you mean it's not real?"
"I mean, the government prints money when it wants to, so can we."
I pause for a minute. This is the same argument I used with Rico the first night. He's not wrong. But someone accepting a hand out feels wrong.
Matty softens. "Look, baby girl, we just wanted you and the kids to be provided for for the rest of ya'll's lives. If ten's not enough to get that done, just let us know."
I shake my head. I physically cannot wrap my brain around what is happening now. But fuck, could I really reject their money whenall they're trying to do is take care of me and the kids. They're right, of course. In their line of work, they could be killed or arrested and spend the rest of their lives in jail. We're not married, so legally I'd have no right to access any of their funds.
All they want to do is take care of me and my kids. My heart clenches painfully.
Matty's face falls. "I'm sorry I told you. Santiago warned us you wouldn't be okay with such a large gift." My sweet, empathetic, caring Matty looks goddamn crestfallen. Even after he's given me the best gift and orgasm of my life.
I bring my hand to the side of his face. "Don't be sorry. I'm glad I know...I just...I might just leave it there? For the kids? And live off of what I earn from book club? That feels less icky to me."
"Of course, baby girl. It's your money."
I shake my head in disbelief.
I'm a millionaire.
Chapter twenty-one