"Prettygirl!" Matty shouts, picking me up around the waist and spinning me. I take his face in my hands, peppering it with kisses. I can't begin to show my gratitude but the feelings I have pour out of me.
"Thank you so much for getting the kids. Were they scared? Did they ask questions?" My voice is still hoarse, and Matty frowns, but luckily answers me.
"Completely unaware. Just thought they were in for a fun sleepover at the farm."
My shoulders sag in relaxation. Thank God these men were here to protect my kids from the situation.
I look to Santi, who simply reaches the arm that doesn't have the IV out to me, making a grabby motion. I nudge him to move to the side before I slide onto the bed with him, tucked under his arm. I look up at him, so fucking elated that he's alive and okay that my heart feels like it wants to burst.
Rico fills Matty in on what happened while I whisper sweet nothings to Santi. "I'm so glad you're okay. I was so scared you were dead. I'm so sorry you got hurt. I hope you heal quickly. I love you so much. I hate that you were hurt because of me."
He tilts my chin up to look at him before silencing me with a kiss.
Yep. That's all I need to know that he's okay - his lips pressed against mine. I want to kiss him all day every day for the rest of my life, if only to assure him he's okay.
There's no lust or heat behind our kisses, just two lovers finding each other again. Like after he rescued me from Alan.
When we come up for air, Santi rests his forehead against mine, his hand holding the back of my head tenderly.
After our shared moments of our hearts reuniting, we lookup and see worried looks on Rico and Matty's faces.
"What is it?" I say while Santiago signs 'what'?
Clearly, the worst part has to be over? So why do they look so worried?
Always the leader, Rico steps forward. "Mami, I think you and the kids need to move in with us at the farm. It's safer, more secure." He braces as if he's expecting an argument. I know when we talked of my divorce I didn't want to move them. But fuck, they're so happy at the farm, and they've got Lauren, Diego and Maria to love on them, too. Who the hell am I to stand in their way.
And he's right. The entire farm is surrounded by a fence, cameras, and security personnel.
I go back to my choices. Do I want to stay in my old home, knowing the ghosts that haunt it, the image of my husband's white ass as he plows into his mistress, the memories of every tense family dinner? Or do I want to move where we're safe? Where, if I'm honest, my new family lives. Where I can ride, and teach my kids how to ride, where my kids are already happy to be.
I take a second to imagine what it would be like to fall asleep and wake up every morning at the farm. Surrounded by the men I loved, and the men who loved my children. Making Diego and Lauren their Uncle and Aunt.
I shrug. "Okay. On one condition?”
“Anything, mi amor.”
“I need you three to adopt my kids. If anything happens to me I need to know they’re safe. And maybe Matty, could you create a willmaking Diego and Lauren their legal guardians if anything happens to all four of us?”
Matty pets my hair gently, tenderly, lovingly. “Of course, pretty girl. First thing in the morning.”
I can tell they were expecting more of a fight, but after today's events, my eyelids droop, and I snuggle into Santiago's side. I want to sleep. But from now on it will be with all of my men.
Chapter forty-seven
The farm is a zoo. Not literally, but you get the idea. Santiago demanded to be taken home the next day. With a promise to buy a hospital bed, hire in home health care, and either a threat or a bribe from Rico later, and an ambulance is in the driveway, unloading Santiago on a stretcher.
The glares he's shooting the EMTs have even the seasoned pros swallowing nervously. On the other side of the house, by the barn entrance, and movers are unloading all of me and the kids' Earthly possessions.
Pickles howls from his carrier, which makes Diego and Lauren's dogs go crazy.
I'd asked my kids where they preferred to live, prepared to make a case for the farm, because it was the right choice, but the vote was unanimous. They all wanted to move to the farm.
Aiden has been acting more like his age. Vivian's come out of her shell and has engaged Jack and Matty in their goofiness. And living around so much love? Yeah, that's a no-brainer.
We claim Rico's room as me, Santi, Matty and Rico's room, but we need to order a bigger bed. There's no point in hiding our relationship, the kids clearly see us all kissing, and they couldn't care less.