I pace my room. It’s immaculate. Lucille keeps it that way. My bed is perfectly made, nothing out of place. Sometimes I miss a little clutter. Pumpkins decorated with glitter. Rumpled dresses on the floor. Mussed up sheets. Lipstick staining coffee mugs. A bathroom damp with steam from two lovers showering together.
It’s all he says, but I barrel forward. I don’t want to keep Ash’s attention on Stella. The less he thinks of her, the safer she is.
“I need your help.”
“What can I do for you, Zane? You know if you need something, all you have to do is ask.”
I don’t like kissing Ash’s ass, but I say, “I appreciate that, I really do. I’m calling about Nathalie. We’ve been together since dinner last night. Ash,” I swallow, the lie a huge stone in my stomach, “I’ve fallen in love with her, and I want to marry her.”
Ash laughs, long and sincere. “Men like us don’t fall in love with whores.”
“She’s not a whore, not to me. I love her, and I want her to move into the penthouse.” I pause. “I’ll pay you.”
A movement catches my eye, and I turn. Stella’s standing in the doorway to my room, white as a sheet.
Ash is silent.
He thinks about my offer, and I place a finger over my lips urging Stella to be quiet.
“How much are you willing to part with?” he asks.
My answer is quick. “Two million dollars.”
“Thank you.”
It shames me that a man I counted as a friend could so easily put a price on a life.
Ash bursts out into an incredulous laugh. “You were serious? What the hell are you thinking? Nathalie works at the club and was doing me a favor. Though, I hardly think fucking you is a hardship.” His laughter dies. “What has she told you?”
“Nothing. It’s my mistake. I thought—”
“You thought what?”
“I just thought since you introduced me, I could help you somehow. She saved me after Stella ran off with Cardello. You knew I needed her, and she’s become an important part of my life. I’ll donate the money to one of your foundations.”
“That would be great. I accept. Congratulations. She’s yours, and your responsibility now that she’s out of a job.” He pauses. “How’s Zarah?”
“She’s doing well. Lucille’s thrilled she’s home.”
“I’d love to stop by and see her sometime.”
“She’d like that.” I tamp down a wave of nausea. There is no way in hell I’ll allow Ash near my sister ever again.
“I have a meeting. Give Nathalie my regards. She’s a lucky woman.”
The line goes dead.
I look back to my doorway, and Stella’s gone.
Downstairs, Ingrid’s taking pictures. Photos will remind my sister Stella’s okay. It’s a good idea, and I wonder who thought of it.
Standing off to the side, clearly not part of the group, Nathalie’s watching, and jealousy colors her face. It’s easy to envy Stella and Zarah’s friendship when you’ve never had a similar one of your own. I wish Stella still felt that way about me.