My heart thumped in my chest, seeming to echo in the vacant place which Estella should fill. I’d kept the space for her all those years.
On the precipice of losing my nerve, I looking both ways down the hall, assuring myself no-one else remained awake.
At a snail’s pace, I inched open Estella’s door enough to peek inside. She lay on the bed, her beautiful face turned toward the door, her perfect lips parted slightly. Squinting to make out more than the slight shape of her face, Graham’s mussed hair came into focus. He snored on.
Like a thief, I stole into the room, taking care to disturb nothing as I made my way to her.
My fingers trembled as I reached out and traced my finger through her tangled blonde tresses. So soft.Leaning close, I inhaled, pulling her intoxicating scent deep inside.
My cock ached at my proximity to her after torturing myself with edging while watching Graham fuck her. If you could call it that. Clear as day, she’d faked her orgasm, sending Graham over the edge and forcing him to fill his condom.
She wouldn’t take his cum, but she’d take mine.
Releasing my dick, I stood beside her and stroked myself, gazing into her face the whole time. Despite the absolute hell it would unleash, I willed her to open her eyes.To see me. To see the man I’d become for her.
Stroking myself to Graham’s snoring soundtrack made it take longer than I’d intended. I envisioned holding a pillow over his stupid, smug face until I snuffed out his pig-noises for good. Alas, it would mean I’d be tossed in a cell, causing me to ruin my long and convoluted plan to win Estella back.
Estella let out a soft moan, her knee rising on the bed as she shifted in her sleep. I paused mid-stroke, worry filling me as she lifted a hand to rub her face.
A prick of sweat gathered at the base of my neck as she fidgeted, and Graham’s snoring stopped. My pulse hammered as I prepared to hide. Or flee.
Relief flooded me a moment later, when Graham resumed his snoring, and Estella’s mouth opened with her sweet, sleepy breaths.
I had to get out of there.
Quickening my pace, I reached down and freed one of Estella’s nipples from her skew-whiff tank top. The urge to bite it hit.
Tightening my fingers around the head of my cock, I traced my fingers over the tattoo emblazoned there. The one I had for her. The one that marked me as hers.
Sensation gripped me, as I stared at the perfect peaked nipple. God, how I’d dreamt about being so close to them. How I wished to suck the puckered flesh into my mouth and heat her blood with the ministrations of my mouth.
The very idea proved enough to push me over the edge. Spilling hot ropes of cum into my hand, I caught every drop while drinking in the sight of my girl. Battling down my moans made my chest ache. I wanted her to hear them. To hear more than pathetic grunting from the man who was supposed to desire her the most. She deserved to be fuckingworshipped.
When my balls had contracted to their emptiest, I pulled up my pants with one hand, and stood above my sleeping step-sister, holding out my cum filled hand.
White streaked my fingers, dripping down their lengths.
I tipped my hand upright, watching a drop gather at the tip of my index finger, growing in size, until at long last it fell toward my target.
A wet, sticky glob landed right on Estella’s lower lip.
Holding my breath, I waited for her to wake up and freak out.
She didn’t.
Her eyelids fluttered before she licked at her lower lip, before turning over.
Such a filthy girl. Swallowing my cum next to her boyfriend.
Okay, so she didn’tknow, but still.
A piece of me was inside her.
The first of fucking many.