Honey goes a shade paler. “I don’t think you’re wrong, and no, we didn’t know. Will paid for everything. For your flights and hotel. He was adamant that you were the best for the job after you worked for his sister in London. I just… I thought he’d taken a liking to you.”
He what?
How did I not know this?
Is this why he was on the same plane and staying at the same hotel as me?
He organized it all.
Has he been buying me this whole time?
Is that what’s been happening and I haven’t even realized it?
Was the bet he made for my benefit or his?
Was it all just a game to him? I was in his trap before I’d even realized it. How had I been so blind to it all?
Rya mulls it over. “I do think he cares about you, Alina. If he’d wanted to hand you over for a paycheck, he would’ve. Instead, he just ran into a burning building to save you. I think that counts for something. Sometimes actions speak louder than words.”
There’s a scuffle outside my room, then the door flings open, and there’s Will, panting and looking disheveled. He still looks the same as I’d last seen him hours ago, right after the fire. When I see him, tears spring to my eyes. I’m relieved he’s safe, furious that I care, and sad that everything between us was all a lie.
And fuck me, I let him in.
“Get out!” Honey snaps as she stands. “You don’t get to speak to her right now!”
“Honey,” Rya says, stopping her, and we’re all taken back by her outburst. But part of me is also grateful. Protected. A true friend. “That’s Alina’s decision,” Rya presses. Honey’s eyes well with tears, and I know she’s quick to get upset with the pregnancy.
“Please, I just want to talk,” Will says, exhausted, and it’s so different from his usual charismatic self. He looks like a broken man. But I don’t know what to believe anymore. What I do know is he did run into a burning building to save me. A conversation is the very least we can have before I remove him from my life entirely.
“It’s okay, Honey,” I say quietly. Because even if I don’t like the answers, this man and I have to lay something to rest. And I feel a small part of me break apart as I make my decision to push him away.
The Ricci sisters don’t seem too impressed with me, so I’m assuming they’ve come to the realization that I had a hand to play in all of this. I don’t care. As long as Alina is okay, even if she hates me for it. I wait until they’ve left the room and close the door behind them.
I made sure Alina had the best private room. Every need catered to, and constant attention. From what I’d been told, she hadn’t taken in too much smoke, but I wanted her to stay overnight to make sure.
She’s staring me down as I slowly approach the bed.
“You look like shit,” she says, breaking the silence. I smirk but don’t really find it humorous. I’m just grateful she’s speaking to me at all. She shuffles to the side of the bed to make room for me to sit beside her. “Only for tonight. I can’t be bothered fighting you tonight.”
Tonight.And there’s an edge to her tone that tells me this might very well be the last time I see her. I can’t blame her. I’m a mess. But I’ll take whatever little crumb she’s willing to offer so I can steal even one more minute with her, especially before she finds a better man.
I slip in beside her, wrapping my arms around her shoulders. “I just need to make sure you’re okay. You can hate me all you want,” I begin. “I just need this. Please.”
She sighs, as if defeated, and lets me scoop her into my arms, where she rests her head on my shoulder. “We’re both really fucked up, huh?”
I want to laugh, but we’re beyond that. Behind all the sharp wit are two individuals who struggle to show our true selves—the versions of ourselves we’ve been running from. Only for one night are we keeping it together to have a moment of reprieve, even though we can both sense it’s breaking apart.
“Were you the tracker he hired to find me?” she asks, shifting so she can look into my eyes.
“Yes,” I admit. No lies. No charm. No jokes. Only truth.
She nods slowly before resting her head against me again. “So this was all a game to you?”
“No.” I adamantly force.