Page 78 of Misguided Vows

I sigh. “He had a work thing.”

“A bounty hunter, here of all places. Can you imagine?”

I laugh. “Don’t let him catch you saying, bounty hunter. But I think we’re over. We had a fun ride, but I’m off to London, and he’s doing whatever he does best.” I step around her, hoping that’s enough to end the conversation.

“I liked him. I want that noted,” she says.

“Okay, thanks for your input, Mother,” I yell over my shoulder as I walk up the stairs.

“That won’t be the last time you see that man. You can bet your bottom dollar it won’t be. He was hooked.”

I want to laugh at her words, because they couldn’t be further from the truth.

And yet, it settles a cold and upsetting weight in my chest. And this is precisely why I had to break it off now. Because Will wormed into a part of myself that I didn’t even know still existed.

And that’s dangerous.

My phone dings and I expect to see Steven’s name again, but instead it’s an unknown number.

You can’t hide forever.



Alek is disassembling the man’s gun in front of him. Not that the man in question can do anything with it, considering he’s tied to a chair.

I go through the motions, not having yet picked up another job. It’s only been three days since I last saw Alina, but it hasn’t sat right with me—the moment she walked away from me on that bridge.

“I don’t know anything, I swear!” the man screams before Alek gags him.

Of all the killers I know, Alek is the boldest. He adjusts his gloves as he decides which torture device he should use. It’s midday, and for someone who’s usually active in the evening, like a boogey monster, Alek has taken to torture during the day. Sure, it’s an isolated space that no one will find, but he was changing, ever so slightly, to accommodate his wife’s schedule so he can watch her performances at night.

I sigh. The guy’s so fucking lovesick that it irritates me. I’m happy for him, but there’s an almost begrudging feeling that I notice toward him for having it. For feeling like the one who I’d had was already gone.

“You being quiet is eerily creepy.” Alek addresses my sorry ass where I stand in the corner of the room.

I smirk. “So you admit to missing my smartass comments?”

“No. I just don’t know why you haven’t taken up another job. Why do you keep attaching yourself to me?”

“That’s what friends do, silly.” I wink, and he’s disgusted, most likely at the suggestion of calling us ‘friends.’ Good. That should keep him off my ass for a little bit.

A notification appears on my phone, and at first, I can’t remember whose tracker number this is. For those I’ve decided to track or keep tabs on, I have an alert appear if they’re within range of me.

My eyebrows furrow as I zoom in on the person in question, trying to remember who it is until realization snaps into place.

I shove off the wall. “I’m taking your car.”

Alek’s hunched over the man, ready to start cutting, as he looks up. His gaze narrows. “Like fuck you—”

I’m already moving, my legs working of their own accord.

I thought it was strange that Mr. Percy hadn’t called me since I ended our dealings. But if he was in New York… I might be wrong, but there’s only one person he’d come here for. There’s no way he could know Alina is here, though.

But I’m not leaving anything to chance.