"Hold on, Iris," I command, my voice steady, even as my muscles tense in preparation for the oncoming assault. “We’ve got company.”

A chase ship doggedly pursues us and a barrage of missiles fills the sky, their explosions rocking our craft. I twist and dive, relying on my reflexes to keep us airborne. They fire relentlessly, their weaponry designed to cripple even the most robust spacecraft. My attempts to outmaneuver them are successful at first, but soon, it becomes clear our getaway will not be without sacrifice.

"Brace yourself," I grunt as a direct hit slams into our vessel. The ship sputters, and I fight to regain control as alarms blare.

"Are we going to make it?" Iris cries, looking over at me, her eyes pleading for answers.

I grit my teeth, throwing all of my energy into keeping us aloft. "Yes, we are,” I reply. Though I’m trying my best to convince myself.

With a final rebellious spurt, the ship dives, plunging us into the atmosphere of an unknown planet. I do my best to control our descent, but the jungle below offers no flat landings. I grab Iris’s hand just before we crash, smashing us into the dense canopy of a lush jungle.



Everything goes black.

Then there’s the horrendous sound of metals crunching and popping, wood splintering, and foliage snapping underneath us.

And finally an eerie silence.

I don’t know how I’m still conscious, but from the look of the cockpit, it remained mostly intact, barring a few cracks in the front windshield.

I hear a groan beside me and look to my left.

Silver Guy is blinking wildly, shaking out his silver locks. Our hands are clasped together.

When did that happen? And I actuallylet him?

There’s a strange flutter in my belly and I pull my hand away.

He turns toward me and his electric green eyes soften. "Are you hurt?"

"I think I'm okay," I reply, checking all my appendages and running my hands over my body. "But where are we?"

He undoes his harness and tries to bring up the spacecraft screens, but only sparks of color come up and then fizzle out.

He grunts and taps his arm, but the same thing happens. “I don’t know,” he says, blowing out a breath. “But you need not worry. No matter what we face here, I will protect you at any cost.”

I shake my head, trying to understand. “But…why?” I throw up my hands. “Tell me who you are and why you must protect me. Do you want to sell me or something, too?”

His eyes go wide. “No, no…that’s not?—”

“Then why should I trust you?”

“Iris,” he says, kneeling before me.

“How do you know my name?”

“Please,” he takes my hand and looks into my eyes. My heartbeat speeds up.

Why am I not pulling away? What is wrong with me?

“I am Takizet Afrajem. But everyone calls me Tak. I was sent by King Ryzordiek and Queen Gwen to bring you to Ydris.”

Did he just say…?

“Gwen? As in Gwen MacKinley, my best friend?” My voice trembles. “She’s alive? And a queen?”