Suddenly, Brutal rushes in and throws open their cell, tasing as many as he can.
I watch as Silver Guy uses the confusion to his advantage, snatching a bag from the guard’s vest.
Brutal is slowly being overpowered, as prisoners tackle him to the ground and grab the taser out of his hands.
I look up and Silver Guy is tapping a code into the pad on my cell door.
What is happening?
The door pings and he kicks it open, those intense green eyes roving over me. Before I can react, he grabs me and throws me over his shoulder like a sack of grain.
"Hold on, sweet one," he grunts, his deep, husky voice somehow familiar, as if I've heard it in my dreams. "We're getting out of here."
I struggle, more out of confusion than fear, against his solid body. "Who are you?" I manage to croak, my voice hoarse from disuse. "Where are you taking me?"
He squeezes the back of my thigh with his large hand, where he’s holding me firmly.
"I'll explain everything later. For now…hang on tight."
With Iris secure over my shoulder, I charge through the chaos of the prison riot, using my bulk to clear a path.
My mission is clear—find a way out of here and return to King Ryz and Queen Gwen of Ydris.
Not just because it’s my duty, but because…Iris is my fated mate.
I knew it the moment we locked eyes when I was brought into the cell next to hers. My whole body came alive as if I’d been asleep for ages. It was like being injected with ten rounds of Chom’s energy serum.
And it makes our escape that much more crucial.
The smell of ozone and the cries of aliens ring out in the dungeon, as I try to keep my senses from being overwhelmed by the beauty in my arms.
It’s difficult to think straight when she’s finally in my grasp after watching her suffer in the cell next to me. I can’t stand to think about what she must’ve gone through at the hands of that deviant collector that purchased her. If I ever getmyhands on him, I’ll ripallof his limbs clean off.
My team had picked up a broadcast from law enforcement on the collector’s planet that mentioned a human woman found near a forest. She’d told them she was enslaved and forced to do monstrous things.
It still makes my blood boil.
However, the collector wasn’t punished—only Iris…for assaulting him. The deviant probably bought off the authorities before they sent her to Lyrica—a prison planet run by a crew of corrupt administrators. The most crooked being the Warden himself.
I’m sure that bastard took one look at Iris and realized she could make him rich. Humans, especially women, fetch a hefty sum on the dark market. In the meantime, he could use her for his own sick and twisted urges.
My grip tightens on her as I fight back a growl.
It would be easier if she could run along with me, but she’s barely dressed and without shoes to protect her feet. It doesn’t matter. I’d carry her forever if I had to.
I stop at a junction of corridors, watching guards pass by on the way to the dungeon without noticing us.
My team and I had researched the prison’s layout and security system before I got myself thrown in here, pretending to be drunk and disorderly in front of one the officers. I’d counted on being tossed in the holding cell next to Iris, and fate had been on my side.
Thanks to the uprising and chaos after I stabbed the guard, the security system went haywire. Whatever happened—It works to our advantage as I navigate the various hallways, scanning the walls for the door to a secret warehouse where ships and other confiscated possessions of prisoners are stored.
Finally, I see the small alcove, a thin blue light illuminating the door in the shadows.