I hit the elevator button. While I wait, I scratch off all the things on my list that are already finished. Today was a very positive day. If it continues, I might be able to surprise Jax and meet up with him sooner. Can’t wait since I miss him already.
When the elevator opens, I tuck my to-do list inside my purse and then step inside. I nearly trip when I see Stephanie standing in the back. She makes eye contact but doesn’t say a word. So I face the front and pray she’s not going to the lobby. I’d hate to ruin such a wonderful day by interacting with her. It’s sad since she’s my sister, but I don’t want her drama.
A few people get off on the next floor, but I can’t remember for the life of me how many were on board. Guess I’ll just need to wait. Next stop a few more people get off and Stephanie is not one of them. Damn, damn, damn. Next stop is mine. As soon as the doors open, I rush outside and hurry to my car.
“Seriously, Aria. You’re going to totally ignore me? Very mature.” Oh, didn’t I tell her something similar to this at my engagement party?
Spinning on my heels, I close the distance between us. “After our last encounter, I thought maybe it’s best if we ignore one another.”
“Why, because of Jax? That’s a stupid reason since we’ve been sisters a lot longer than he’s been your fiancé.” She spits that out with all the venom pent up inside of her. Wow, her true colors are really showing now.
“Stop blaming Jax. This doesn’t have anything to do with him and everything to do with you and me. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it until Mom mentioned your new position atBeautifymagazine.” Just thinking about it has my blood boiling.
“Oh please. It has everything to do with Jax. You should thank me instead of being pissed at me. If I hadn’t broken up with him, he wouldn’t have given you a second thought.” Hold me back because I’ve never wanted to punch my sister as much as I do now.
“Really, Stephanie? Well, I beg to differ. This is my take on it so put your listening ears on. Jax has always been in love with me, and you knew it.” I jab my finger in her chest, and she takes a step back. Looking horrified. Did I hit the nail on the head? “And it’s the reason you’ve been stringing him along all these years. Knowing if you broke up back then, we’d be together today. Unfortunately for you, it didn’t matter when you broke up with him, because we’re together now.”
“You’re delusional. That’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever said. Makes no sense. Why would I wait until now to break up with him instead of earlier in our relationship?” Oh, I thought she’d never ask.
“That’s too easy. You started dating Trent because your source told you Silas was starting a new magazine, and Trent was his first choice to run it. Not long after the announcement, you get your own column. Have you connected the dots because I sure as hell did.”
“You’re talking in riddles, Aria. What does all of this have to do with Jax?” Wow, she really is stupid.
“Jax has always been in love with me. So you switched your whole life around so you could be me! Working as a journalist for an upcoming magazine. And scoring your own column in such a short time. Were you hoping after you achieved what you sought out to do that you could break up with Trent and Jax would take you back? You’re such a stupid woman. You had the most amazing man, but you kicked him to the curb for a suit, a job, and a loveless life. Good luck with that, Stephanie.” I don’t wait for her to respond. I walk to my car, slide in, and pull out of the parking lot. Leaving her standing there with her mouth wide open.
I thought I’d feel better after putting her in her place. I don’t. I wanted to add she’s sleeping her way to the top. Something I would have never done. I’m a smart woman, I have an amazing career, and now I have the love of my life. Should I have thanked her? You bet, because she did us both a solid.
I’m still angry when I pull into my driveway, but I need to shake it off. It was a good day and I’m not going to let an altercation with my sister ruin my day or life for that matter. If she wants to play nice, she’ll be in my life. If she doesn’t, then I wish her the best of luck.
She’s going to need it.
Taking a few deep, cleansing breaths, I step inside my quiet home. I used to love the silence. The freedom to come and go as I please. Now I miss the laughter. The love that filled this empty space. And Jax. I miss him with an ache that I never knew existed until he concocted his crazy plan. The one that brought us together as fake fiancés and developed into so much more.
A lifetime of love and laughter together.
I can’t wait to become his wife.
The mother of his children.
And grow old with the sexy rockstar that I can now call my own.
While I anxiously wait for all of those things to happen, I’ll settle for a phone call from him every night after his concert. Knowing that in a few short weeks, I get to join him. And the next time we come back home, it will be for our wedding.
I thinkI forgot to mention that Wicked Immortal is our opening act for the first leg of the tour. Normally they’re headliners, but Caleb had the brilliant idea that his top four bands should open for us. It was scheduled with such precision that when this leg ends, their tour begins. It’s actually quite brilliant.
Now we wait backstage for them to finish. After a quick set change, we’ll be introduced, and Boston will be all ours! For a few hours at least.
Knowing when the concert ends, I can go back to my room and call Aria. It’s what I want more than anything. To find out how her day went, what she did, and how the wedding plans are coming along. I miss that woman so much and I just left. I’m relieved, knowing that she’s joining me because I seriously don’t know if I could survive being away from her for so long. Truly, I have no idea how Zander does it when Melody’s out on tour. Especially now since they have Hadley. Thank God for moms since they’re the best babysitters ever.
When the clapping and stomping of the feet ensue, I know the guys are almost finished with their set and the fans want an encore. Unfortunately they won’t be getting one, since we’re up next. I can guarantee you they won’t be disappointed.
Rebel Riot knows how to bring the house down. Just wait and see.
Not long after, Gavin, Zion, Holden, and Beck come running backstage. They put on an amazing show and I’m glad they’re on tour with us. Next up is Laid Bare, followed by Avenged Angel, and we’re ending the tour with The Sinful Seven. It will be the perfect ending to the rockstar era.