Our bodies collide, our tongues go to war, and our hearts skyrocket to new heights. There’s no doubt in my mind that I’m hopelessly in love with this man. Every thrust binds me even closer to him than I could have ever imagined. I’m not sure I’d ever be able to let him go if my life depended on it.
When his mouth latches on my breast, my back arches, guiding him deeper inside of me. “Oh god, Jax. Don’t stop.” When he flicks his tongue back and forth along my nipple, my legs begin trembling. Since my clit has a direct line to my breasts, all eight thousand nerve endings on that tiny little nub explode instantly. Triggering the most earth-shattering orgasm I’ve ever experienced.
“I’m gonna fill you up with my come, baby. Fuck, yesss.” I’m so sensitive to his thickening cock, and when it begins to pulse, I hang on for another intense climax.
When the remnants of his orgasm are over and his breathing is somewhat stable, he shifts to his side, taking me with him. Brushing the hair out of my face, he gently kisses my swollen lips.
“It’s okay if you haven’t quite caught up to me just yet, Aria. If you need more time, I understand. I don’t need those three little words to know how you feel. How about I ask you again before I hit the road? You can give me your answer at that time.”
His candor and gentle touch soothe my chaotic mind. My answer is on the tip of my tongue, but for some reason, I can’t speak. What am I so afraid of? Could it be Stephanie? Hell no, but something’s holding me back and until I figure out what that could be I honestly can’t give him my answer. Not tonight.
Once again, I get all choked up because my damn sister broke his heart and that’s the last thing I’d ever want to do. “Hey, it’s all going to work out, poppet. No matter what decision you make, you’ll never get rid of me. Friends for life. Remember?”
“I remember. Promise me, Jax.” With a chuckle he makes an ‘X’ over his heart.
“Cross my heart and hope to die.” Not sure why, but that tips me over the edge and I burst out crying.
“Come here, baby. I gotcha.” When his arms circle around me, holding me close, I bury my face inside his chest. When I’m with Jax, all of my walls evaporate. Leaving me exposed and vulnerable. Wearing my heart on my sleeve—which is a Jax trait, not usually mine. Maybe after all these years he’s finally rubbing off on me.
As soon as I close my eyes, I see a beautiful home with a big backyard. There’s a tire swing hanging from a huge oak tree with a little girl giggling hysterically. She kicks her feet as Jax gives her a gentle push. With blonde hair swaying in the warm breeze she squeals, “Watch me, Mommy.”
The weeks are flying by,and May is just around the corner. Time is going by way too fast, and before I know it, we’ll be going on tour. Zander’s still trying to convince Melody to come with us and Micah’s also working on Lyric. The thought of having two babies on the road with us is daunting. I’m also excited for them since they’d get to share this crazy journey with their families. I’ll be flying solo as well. But I haven’t given up on Aria since she’s still working from home.
Every week that passes by without an answer from her is like a wound to my heart. Yes, I know I told her she didn’t have to let me know until I asked her again. But I was hoping she’d take the initiative and tell me on her own. I remind her every time we make love, talk on the phone, grab a bite to eat, or kiss each other goodnight. I tell her I love her, not because I have to but because I want to. It’s important that she knows how I feel every minute of every day. As soul crushing as it is, I don’t want her to use those words unless she means them. Unless she wants to. And I know her actions speak for themselves. I know that. So why does my mind constantly fuck with me? Doubting how she really cares about me? I don’t know. Your guess is as good as mine.
Enough on that topic right now because it drives me fucking crazy if I dwell on it for any length of time.
On a lighter note. Today we’re going over the tour merchandise that will be sold at the venues. It’s a big deal since this is the first time we get a say in what we want at the concerts. Anything from T-shirts, hoodies, bracelets, phone cases, koozies, stickers, keychains, and so much more. The choices are mind-blowing and it’s understandable why it can get out of hand. Ace and Zander want guitar picks with the logo, but I’d love to see a backpack or tote bag with our logo. We’ll let Caleb make the final decision, but we want to pick out the designs ourselves.
After this week, it’s going to be nonstop work since we’ll be practicing daily. Ace claims it’s back to the day job, and I have to agree with him. But if we’re going to pull off this tour, we need to build up our stamina since we’ve been idle for so long. Touring takes a toll on your body and God knows I haven’t been working out as much as I used to. It’s so easy to fall into old habits unless you stay disciplined and work really hard at it. Something I haven’t done since coming home. I’m sporadic at best. I only have myself to blame and the million excuses I come up with on the daily.
I’m just about to leave when a call comes in. When I notice it’s Mom, I answer. Curious to find out what wedding dilemma she has this week. “Hey, Mom. Let me guess, Croatia is out of the question for the destination…”
“Jax, it’s Jim. I’m at the hospital. Can you come, please?”
“I’m on my way…” All sorts of crazy ideas run through my mind when Jim—my stepdad—quickly hangs up. Did he already call Melody or should I? I decide to head to the hospital like he asked and find out once I get there. I’ve no idea why he’s using mom’s phone instead of his.
Stupid crazy thoughts continue to race through my mind as I get on the highway. I know driving like a maniac isn’t the smartest thing to do, but I’m desperate to find out what the hell’s going on. I need to keep my cool not only for Mom but for my sister as well. This is not the time for me to fall apart. I can’t help wondering if Jim’s sick and hiding something from her.
I’m angry as I drive to the hospital, because I have movie-like memories playing inside my head. Good times and bad. When Jim proposed to my mom, he asked for our blessing. It was a no-brainer since he’s an amazing man. We were there for him when his son Ezra was killed by a drunk driver. He was the drummer for Reckless Melody, which is my sister’s band. Damn good one, too. And he was there for Melody’s wedding and the birth of her daughter Hadley. And a million other family events and parties.
I barely have time to park the car when I run into the emergency room blurting out, “Jim Mathews called to meet him here. Can someone tell me what room he’s in?” I come to a screeching halt in front of reception. Waiting. All eyes fixed on me.
“Are you a relative?” Is she fucking serious?
“Yes, I’m his stepson. Jaxon Carter.”
“Mrs. Mathews is in the ICU. Room 312. Down the hall, first door on the left.”
Mrs. Mathews? Jim called because my mom’s in the ICU.
Racing down the hall, I almost bump into him as he walks out of the room. Panic starts to set in when he stands in front of the door, blocking me from going inside. His expression is pained with regret. “Jim, move. Now!” No one is going to stop me from seeing her.
“Trish had a stroke. I gave her some aspirin at home, and EMT gave her some TPA when they got to the house. Now they’re running some tests and following up with other medications in case of a seizure or blood clot. Melody’s on her way.”