Page 24 of Flawless Aria

“I knew it. Babe, it’s time to embrace the fact that you’re crazy about this man. Whether you’re ready to admit it, this is very much real. And if I had to take a wild guess, it’s real for him too.”

“Even if what you say is true, I’m not marrying him, Macy. The proposal was fake. The engagement ring is on loan. And in a few months, we’ll have a very public break-up and the rest will be history. And I’ll be devastated if that’s the end of an amazing friendship. Just because I was being bullied by a bunch of jealous coworkers.” I’m on the verge of tears already and she just got here.

“Aria, look at me.” When she grabs my hand, tears start to fall. “You love each other so the answer is simple. You marry the man and then the fake relationship becomes real. No one will be the wiser.”

She makes it sound so easy, but Jax only started this so Maggie and Rex would get off my back. Which technically they did, but I’m the one being punished since I’m working from home.

I’m so torn because I’m happy my best friend’s here, but I also want to call Jax. I need to hear his voice. The reassurance that everything will work out and it won’t ruin our friendship. Which is my biggest fear.

I can’t lose him.

“Let’s take a break, babe. Go get cleaned up. I’ll make us another tea and cut the cheesecake. It’s been calling my name since I walked in the door.”

When I stand, she gives me a great big bear hug, and whispers, “This is a twin flame quote byNikki Rowe.“He touched my soul long before I knew what his hands felt like.” She kisses my cheek and grabs the kettle, leaving me with my thoughts.

Could Jax and I be two halves of the same soul? In truth, there’s no scientific evidence that twin flames really exist. Then again, without evidence how can we really be sure?



I didn’t hearfrom anyone all weekend. Consequently, I’ve no idea if Mom spent the weekend planning and plotting with Emma. And since Macy was in town, I knew I wouldn’t hear from Aria either. Now that Monday’s rolled around, I need to drive over there so I can let her know about Mom’s plans. I know technically she’s working today, but she’ll want to know about this new turn of events.

Twenty minutes later, I’m pulling into the driveway. I’m nervous as hell, thinking she’ll blame me. In truth, it’s all my fault. If I could go back in time, I would have dealt with Maggie and Rex on my own instead of concocting this crazy fake engagement. All I wanted to do was help, and I made a mess of things.

After ringing the bell, I wait. And wait. Her car’s in the drive so I know she’s at home. I knock on the door just in case she didn’t hear. I’m about to give her a call when she opens the door.

“Hi, Jax. Sorry, I’m still working.”

“Hey. How’s Macy? Did you have a good weekend catching up?” She glances at me over her shoulder as she walks into her office. Immediately she starts typing. I know she’s working so I sit on the couch across from her. I don’t have any other place I need to be, so I’m going to wait.

“Macy’s doing well. The weekend was very eye opening. Yours?” Her fingers are still flying over the keys as she’s answering my questions. Her shoulders are tense, I can tell she’s upset, but eventually she’ll break. And when she does, I’ll still be sitting right here.

Working or not, I don’t like being ignored. Now’s the perfect time to let her know why I’m here.

“I stopped by to let you know all about our wedding.” Her head snaps up and her fingers cease to type. Now I have her undivided attention.

“That’s not funny. If you came here to push my buttons, you’ve succeeded. I need to finish this today, so I’ll call you later.” Being the professional that she is, she picks up where she left off.

This girl is good. Maybe Rex was right about one thing. She can be cold when she wants to be.

“I showed Mom my tour schedule and wouldn’t you know? She found a small window of time to put on an extravagant destination wedding for us. She mentioned getting together with your mom so they can discuss it.”

“Just let me know where so I can purchase a dress that matches the country. Can’t get married in Paris with a boho wedding dress. That would be so tacky.”

Is she joking?

“Who’s being funny right now? This is serious. We need to figure out what the hell we’re going to do.” Am I the only one who’s freaking out? Apparently, because she keeps right on working.

“In a few months we’re going to break up in a very public place,” she says as she stares at her screen. “Then whatever expenses have accrued since inception, you will pay for it. Then we will go our separate ways.” What the hell kind of idiotic bullshit is Macy feeding her?

“That’s fucking bullshit, Aria. We will not go our separate ways. We’re friends, so it should be an amicable break up, not a nasty one. Just the thought of never talking to you ever again makes me sick to my stomach.”

“Does the thought of being married to me also make you sick to your stomach?” she crosses her arms and glares in my direction. We agreed it was fake, but…Oh my god. She’s serious about getting married.

“Aria, come here.” When she doesn’t budge, I stride over there. Spinning her chair around so she’s facing me, I kneel and take her hands in mine. Her chin wobbles and she’s on the edge of breaking. “When I concocted this fake engagement thing, I wasn’t thinking. Not about how it would affect the both of us. Both physically and emotionally. We’ve laughed, cried, argued, and fought because we’re two headstrong individuals. If we stick together, as one, we’re unstoppable.” I need to catch my breath.

“It’s okay, Jax. I knew the consequences going in. Whatever happens is just as much my fault as it is yours. We’ll figure it out as we go along. We still have a little time before you go on the road. It’s all good. Now I really need to finish this.”