“Need I remind you how the workplace is riddled with drama? Ignore them. Just move on. You’re gorgeous, smart, and have the editor-in-chief wrapped around your little finger. Believe me, losing your job is the last thing you should be worrying about.”
Maybe she’s right. I can always find a new job, but I only have one sister. And God knows Stephanie’s on a slippery slope since breaking up with Jaxon tonight. Hooking up with Trent, her billionaire boss, is a big mistake. We surely didn’t see it coming, and I’m sure Jaxon didn’t either. He’s a great guy, and I’m sure somewhere down the road she’ll regret mixing business with pleasure.
It’s in that exact moment I glance up to see Jaxon staring back at me. When it gets too intense, I take the coward’s way out and focus my attention back on Macy. Too late since she also noticed who was sitting at the bar.
“Aria, let it go. This is between Stephanie and Jaxon. It doesn’t affect you one little iota. They need to work it out themselves or just move on.”
I know she’s right, but damn, he looks like a sad little puppy. My empathetic side wants to reach out to him. He doesn’t deserve Stephanie’s wrath because she’s smitten with her rich boss. That in itself is a disaster waiting to happen.
“I agree it’s between the both of them, but he’s been a part of my family for so long, I can’t ignore him. If I did, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself. Maybe we were meant to be here tonight. Be right back.” She swears under her breath as I slide out of the booth.
When Zander stands up and walks towards the restrooms, I suddenly question whether this was a brilliant idea, or my dumbest to date. There’s safety in numbers, and with him gone it’s going to be just me and Jax. What can I possibly say to this man without sounding trite? “You’re better off without her” is on the tip of my tongue, but I’m sure that’s the last thing he wants to hear right now. So I just speak from my heart as I sit on the stool that Zander recently vacated.
“Hey, Jax. I heard about you and Stephanie. I’m so sorry.” Our eyes catch in the mirror for a beat before he turns to look at me.
“Yeah, me too. I’ve been a part of your family for so long now that it’s going to be really hard not seeing all of you again.” He’s breaking my heart, and it takes everything within me not to burst into tears.
Reaching for his arm to anchor myself, I say, “The door is always open, Jax. My family loves you like their own, and I know for a fact they’re just as devastated as you are with this sudden break up.”
Okay so maybe I just went a bit too far. I’d be happy to keep in touch with him, but it might be a bit awkward for my family. Especially if Stephanie brings her new boyfriend over for Sunday dinner. Just the thought makes me nauseous because I know it’s going to throw off the family dynamic until they get to know him. I on the other hand can make up a lame excuse for not going to dinner, but that will last for only so long.
“I appreciate the sentiment, but nothing will ever be the same again,” he says. “It might be best if I cut my losses and hold onto the good memories we all shared. While you’re here can I ask you something?”
“Anything. Ask away.” Yeah, I could be in deep trouble depending on the question, but I’ll answer him as honestly as I can.
“Is she happy with this new guy?” God, I wish I knew.
“We were all led to believe that he was only her boss, until tonight. When she stopped by without you is when she dropped the bomb on all of us. For what it’s worth, Jax, we’re all in shock.”
“I’ve no idea what she told all of you or what kind of villain she made me out to be, but I never cheated on her. Ever. It’s important that you know. That all of you know.” Is it wrong for me to want to bitch slap my sister and hug the crap out of him?
“Stephanie didn’t blame you or throw you under the bus. She takes full responsibility for the breakup. This might be hard for you to hear, but she claims she wants someone with more stability.” Maybe I should learn to keep my big mouth shut.
“Stability? What a joke. I’ve had the same job for fifteen years! I’m not a billionaire like her new boy toy, but she’ll soon find out that it’s not about how many cars and homes she owns. Money can’t buy happiness.”
“Hey, Aria. Fancy meeting you here.” We both glance up as Zander approaches. It’s my cue to go back and sit my ass down at my table with Macy. I really need to mind my own damn business.
“Hi, Zander. Macy and I stopped by for a few drinks… I should get back to her.” Turning all of my attention to Jax, I add, “I meant when I said we’re all here for you, Jax. Please keep in touch.”
I’m ready to walk away when he slides off the stool and captures me in a warm embrace. I swear I hug him so tight he can barely breathe. He smells of Jack, his citrus and sandalwood cologne, and heartache.
I’m thrown off kilter by the flash of heat that consumes me while being held tightly in his arms.
What the hell is that?
Drowningmy sorrows at the bar last night was one of the stupidest things I’ve ever done. Now I have a headache from hell. I don’t think there are enough painkillers on the face of the earth to make it feel better. So I just down one of those fizzy, over-the-counter hangover “cures”. Let’s hope it works.
Now I’m going to stay home this weekend and wallow in self-pity. I’m not ready to face anyone, especially Zander, after making an ass out of myself last night. Drinking to excess is not my style, but after Stephanie broke my heart and kicked me to the curb, I needed to forget. And the bottom of the bottle was my first choice. In hindsight, I should have taken out all my frustrations on my kit and called it a day. Music has always been my coping mechanism, but since she was there from the beginning, I didn’t want her ruining that part of my life too.
The only problem with staying home for a few days is I have too much time to myself. To think about how different things should be right now. I should be engaged and getting ready to plan our wedding. Instead, I’m home alone, moping. Did I mention I have a hangover from hell? Yeah, I’m pretty sure I already did. Maybe I should go to Zander’s, grab his baseball bat, and use the engagement ring to hit a homerun into the lake. Just like one of the guys did in one of Stephanie’s favorite medical dramas. Sorry. When I got up this morning, I promised myself to move on but it’s so much harder than I thought. Okay, moving on.
With my feet propped up on the coffee table, I take a big swig of my coffee. The black bitterness lingers on my tongue. I normally take it creamy and sweet, but being hungover, the stronger the better. I need this headache to be gone like yesterday. Tipping it back one more time, I finish off the dark liquid and set the mug by my feet. Debating if I should make another one. My head makes the decision for me when it rests against the back of the sofa instead. Just for a minute or two. Fuck, I hope I don’t feel like shit for too long. I’m not used to sitting still, but every movement kills me.
When the doorbell rings, I groan. I’m not expecting anyone, but my family and friends never wait for an invite so I best open the door. If not, I have a feeling they will keep ringing until I let them in.