Me:I’d love to talk in person. Stop by my house after work if you’re able.
Why do I want to send her little emoji hugs and kisses, which I absolutely detest? My sisters do it constantly just to piss me off. Oh, and it does. My biggest mistake was telling them that and now it’s an everyday thing in our group chat. You’d think after thirty or so years, I’d learn my lesson, but I guess not.
After giving her a few minutes to respond to my text and getting nothing, I head home. Sometimes I forget that people work for a living and need to be attentive to their jobs. Something I haven’t had to do in a very long time. I just need to stand on stage, play my keyboard, and sing to the best of my ability while engaging with the crowd. It’s a great gig and I get paid, too.
By the time I pull into my driveway, it’s four o’clock. Lyric should be out of work in an hour or so. I’m hoping she stops by but if she doesn’t, I know she’ll call or text me since she said she would.
Starting next week, we’ll begin working on the spread in Music Weekly. Since it’s a process, they want us to come in for a few photoshoots just to get the ball rolling. Caleb called Harmony and she’s thrilled to work with us again. It’s another notch on her ever-growing resume. This girl is an amazing photographer and it’s so well deserved. Of course, Ace is thrilled too. Even if it means they need to cut their vacation short.
We’ll be shooting for both a casual look and a more distinguished look. Don’t ask, but it might have something to do with how we all clean up from a heavy metal band perspective. All I can come up with. My only dilemma is that I don’t own a bunch of fancy clothes because I’m not that kind of guy. I do have a few fancy outfits that I’ve worn before, so those will do. The good thing about being a man is you don’t need to go out and buy new clothes for these kinds of events. As long as you have a few tuxes hanging in your closet, you’re good to go. And I do.
I’m rummaging in my closet when I hear what sounds like a doorbell. Could it be that time already? Adrenaline flows through my veins as I rush through the house to open the door. My breath catches as Lyric’s eyes meet mine and they glisten with tears. I knew something was wrong the second I saw her fleeing that parking lot.
“Beauty, what’s wrong?” I’m a goner when her arms circle my waist, and her sobs are released. I question how long she’s been holding them back.
I pick her up bridal-style as I kick the door closed. Her arms automatically wrap around my neck while her face is buried in my chest. Sitting down on the sofa, I sit her in my lap and just let her purge. There’s plenty of time for questions, but right now she needs to let it all out. I’ve no doubt she’s been holding it in ever since coming back from lunch.
Stroking her back, I try being her safe place to fall. Assuring her that she’s always safe with me and I’d do anything to take away this pain. I’m uncertain who caused this, but I bet it has something to do with Novalee or her ex. Maybe both.
Once she calms down, I lift her chin so she’s facing me. Not a word is uttered but her eyes are so expressive and filled with sorrow. I’m going to kill the motherfucker who’s done this to her if it’s the last thing I do on this earth.
Leaning my forehead against hers, I whisper, “Whenever you’re ready, you can tell me what happened. No rush, I’m right here.”
Minutes tick by. When she finally answers, I want to explode.
“I don’t know if I can do this anymore, Micah. I really like you, but my life is falling apart, and the consequences of getting caught could be catastrophic.” Her words are a knife to my heart. Then again, I was waiting for the other shoe to drop. Not quite this soon, though.
“What happened today that made you change your mind?”
“It’s a culmination of a lot of things, but it started out with Novalee and escalated to the point where Jeff showed up at the office today. Five minutes before you arrived. It could have been a disaster.” Now it’s starting to make sense. She left in a rush so we wouldn’t bump into each other.
“Don’t you get it?” I say. “As long as you keep giving in to their every whim, the pattern stays the same. If you don’t put your foot down now, they’ll continue walking all over you. When does Lyric get her happily ever after?”
* * *
“When doesLyric get her happily ever after?”
I know he’s right, but I’ve been stuck in the same loop for so many years I don’t know where it begins and ends anymore. My family has always come first, and with Novalee leaving, that empty nest syndrome is creeping in. If I continue to let him comfort me, I’ll never get the words out that I need to say.
Sitting up, I slide off of his lap to give us some space. Trying to find the right words to make him understand.
“I might have married Jeff for all the wrong reasons, but we did love each other once. No one gets married with the thought that someday down the road it’s going to end. So, right now, the wounds are still too fresh for me to even consider a happily ever after. For so long I’ve just been Jeff’s wife and Novalee’s mom. I’m hoping once she leaves, I’ll find myself again.”
“Answer me this. If Jeff hadn’t shown up today, would you be second-guessing yourself? I don’t think so. Remember, you’re the one who came to me, Beauty. I was willing to give you all the space you needed. We almost got caught, you were scared, and yet you’re here right now. A simple text or call could have ended this. You want to know what I think? Your lips are lying and your body’s telling you the truth.”
I’ve never denied our chemistry. I’m trying to make him understand that if we continue, we will end up resenting each other. Take each other for granted. Just like Jeff and I did.
“There might be some truth in what you say, but a relationship can’t be based on sex alone.” Life is too complicated with its ups and downs to think that sex solves everything.
“You’re afraid because you feel something, and you think it’s too soon. I get that. It’s exactly how I feel about you. Normally if I want something I go after it, but apparently you need more time. Just don’t take too long, Beauty. Life’s too short and you deserve to be happy.”
“You don’t understand. Setting our feelings aside, working for Ruth complicates things. We almost got caught today. By my ex-husband. Knowing him as well as I do, if he caught us together again, he’d go straight to Novalee and your mom. I love my job and she could fire me on the spot.”
“The thing is, Beauty, I’m not a horny teenager. I’m a grown-ass man who can choose who I want to date, fuck, or spend time with. I value my parents’ opinion, but I also know my mom loves you. Yeah, she might be shocked at first, but she’d be ecstatic just knowing I’ve found someone I respect, admire, and trust. You already have her stamp of approval so I’m not worried.”
He's infuriating. Micah just doesn’t get it. There’s still my ex and daughter that could be affected.