Page 9 of Willow



Today’san excitingday since we are going into the studio to listen to the final tracks. The album was wrapped up a week ago, but our production team did some tweaks and claim it’s better than ever. I’m thrilled since I’ll get to see the production crew one more time. Then by the end of the month, we’ll be leaving for Boston and the cycle begins again. I’m really anxious to get back out on the road, and I know everyone else feels the same. It’s what we’ve waited for our whole lives.

You can feel the excitement in the air with the wedding coming up and the paparazzi trying to figure out where the venue is. A lot of good that’s going to do them since it’s a well-kept secret. Caleb was kind enough to offer one of his villas for the wedding and reception. No one will ever guess it’s taking place there. Especially since we leaked it to the press that it was going to be a destination wedding, which threw them off course. The bride and groom are happy they’ll be left alone.

Instead of bothering the gang for a ride, I decided to take an Uber. There’s so much begging a girl can do, and after a spell it gets redundant. I did call a tow truck today and the garage will let me know if it’s worth fixing. If not, then I’ll decide what to do when I get home.

I arrive at the studio early and that’s a first. It’s a nice change of pace instead of coming in last. “Hey, Willow. You got the best seat in the house today.”

“Sweet. How’s it going, Bruce?” I give him a quick peck on the cheek before plopping down in the seat next to him. Nothing like having a front row seat. I’m loving it.

“Going great. Wait until you guys hear what we did with the remastering. It’s going to blow you away. It was good before, now it’s as perfect as it can get. If you all agree, we’ll send it out for pressing and processing. The album should be ready for distribution a week or so before the tour begins.” Wow, that’s cutting it close.

I swing around when I hear familiar voices. Wouldn’t you know, Caleb leads the pack. I find it funny that he never bothered with us too much in the first go around. Now he invites himself to everything. I’m starting to wonder if it’s because of me. Something to ponder but nothing to get too excited about.

“Did your mom drop you off?” Caleb disregards Trevor and sits in the seat next to me. Trevor frowns and stands beside me.

“I grabbed an Uber. I’m sick and tired of depending on everyone to get me places.” It doesn’t take long before Caleb puts in his two cents.

“I’d be glad to give you a ride home or wherever you need to go. Whenever you need a ride, just call my office and I’ll have a driver take you. Public transportation is too dangerous in the city.” Hmm, it makes me wonder if he’d offer that to one of the guys. Does he think I can’t handle myself because I’m a girl?

“Thanks, that’s kind of you.” I’ll let it go. No sense in arguing in the studio.

“Okay, now that you’re all here. Let’s have a listen. I’ll playResilientfirst. Let me know what you think.” Chuck pipes in the song through the speakers and we all fall silent.

Wow, we all thought the tracks sounded good when we wrapped things up, but this is astounding.

“This is next level. Like epic shit,” Lucas says, and everyone agrees.

“If you think that one’s good, wait until you hear the rest. It will blow your fucking mind.” As soon asResilientends, he pops up another track.

We spend the next few hours listening, talking, and signing the final edits. It’s surreal that we just signed off on our second album in a little over a year’s time. Now we’re busting to go on tour and play our new album for all of our fans.

“Let’s go celebrate. My treat.” Caleb knows that these guys cannot say no to food. Of course everyone’s on board.

Trevor gives a holler. “C’mon Willow. I’ll give you a lift.”

“Nonsense, she’ll ride with me,” Caleb interrupts. “You’re welcome to come so you can keep an eye on her.” Ouch, Trevor looks like he’s going to punch him. Willow to the rescue.

“That’s very generous of you, Caleb. I’ll grab a ride with Trevor and we’ll meet you there.” He’s not too happy. Oh well, he’ll get over it. I don’t belong to him and I won’t be manipulated.

“What the fuck is his problem? All I can say is he best back the fuck up or…”

“You’ll do nothing.” I buckle up and spin around to face him. “I get you’re trying to protect me and I love you all the more for it. I don’t know what Caleb’s up to, but I can take care of myself. Trust me, okay?”

A punch to the steering wheel and he nods. “It’s just that I worry about you falling for the wrong guy. And he’s all kinds of wrong for you, Willow.”

“Let me see. He’s good looking, rich, and lately he’s into me. What’s so wrong about that? Never mind, don’t answer. Nothing’s happening between us and nothing ever will. Caleb’s just being bossy. He’s not interested in me that way.”

“The fuck he’s not! I notice the way he looks at you. I’m a man. I know that look, and it’s not good. I can’t live your life, but promise me you’ll be careful. I don’t want you getting hurt.”

“You have no faith in me, cuz. Maybe, just maybe I’d be the one leaving him with the broken heart.”

“Now that I could handle.” We drop the conversation since it’s nothing but conjecture. I have a feeling that Caleb wants to manipulate me, but for what I haven’t quite figured out yet. Time will tell.

* * *