Page 8 of Willow

“Just because I was checking him out doesn’t mean anything. If Lucas or Jet were checking out a beautiful girl would you have asked them the same question, Trevor? Don’t roll your eyes. I’m serious. Why is it that females can’t admire a sexy man without there being an ulterior motive? Sometimes you make me angry.”

“You know I worry about you, Willow. He’s a lot older than you and I’m sure he’s had his fair share of women, so just be careful. I don’t want to see you getting hurt.”

“Much appreciated, cuz, but you’re forgetting something. He’s the Boss Man and he’s off limits.”

* * *


I just finishedameeting withThe Sinful Seven. It was a casual off-the-cuff meeting to go over the final tour itinerary. More laid back so they could relax and talk to me about anything that was troubling them.

I couldn’t help notice that Willow checked out halfway through the meeting. It’s unlike her not to crack a joke or put in her two cents every now and again. She was quiet and yet when she walked into the room she was smiling and talking to her friends. So, now I’m wondering if it was because of me. Did I overstep the other night at her birthday party? Maybe I’m overthinking things. Then again, I could have scared her away with the expensive gift. After all, I really don’t know her that well. All I wanted was for her to feel special being the birthday girl and all. And I get that sometimes we have bad days. I figured that’s what her problem was so I didn’t pry. None of my business.

I’ve always considered myself a savvy businessman. Never did I ever mix business with pleasure. It’s a lethal combination and one I’ve avoided at all costs. Until Willow’s birthday party. Suffice it to say, I thought she needed rescuing and I just so happened to be at the right place at the right time. Before you go jumping to conclusions, let me explain. It’s not like I threw her on the table, spread her legs, and fucked her into oblivion. Just the opposite, and all the more deadly. I enjoyed her company, and I truly believe the feeling was mutual.

The more time I spend around Willow, the more dangerous it becomes. Technically, she works for me at Morris Music—my company, I might add. It’s frowned upon to fraternize with the help.The Sinful Sevenis signed on my record label; therefore, she’s off limits. Which should send me in the opposite direction. The fact that I’m almost old enough to be her father should be another red flag, but the way she’s been eye fucking me, well, it’s intoxicating. It’s a huge distraction as I try keeping my cock in check.

I’ve never been the type of man who was attracted to the younger generation. Maybe it’s because I’ve been around so many musicians and groupies in my lifetime that an older, mature woman usually catches my attention. So, could someone please explain to me why I find Willow so fucking tempting?

I’m walking a very thin line that I’m afraid will snap at any second. And to top it all off, I was reminded that we have a rehearsal dinner on Friday night after practice. I’m so screwed. Spending those two days with her will push me to the limit since I’ve been stroking one out in the shower every damn night just thinking about her.

Now I need to set those thoughts aside. Concentrate on my meeting with Bill since he’ll be here any minute. This is a very important acquisition for Morris Music, and I can’t screw it all up because my thoughts are twisted together with a woman who doesn’t even know I exist. Not in the normal sense, that is.

My thoughts are interrupted by the annoying buzzing of my phone. “Mr. Morris, Bill’s here for his appointment.”

“Send him right in.” Shit, I sure hope Grace is back in the office soon. I decide to meet him halfway, opening the door before he has a chance to knock.

“Bill, it’s nice of you to come on such short notice.” We shake hands and then I point to the chair. “Have a seat. Did you get ahold of Roger?”

“Yes, he’s going to meet us here very shortly. He had a meeting across town that he was just finishing up.”

“Good. Why don’t we go over everything you have so far and once he arrives we can give him the simplified version.”

We put our heads together, and by the time Roger arrives an hour later we have the contract drawn up forRebel Riot.It’s a standard contract just like theThe Sinful Seven’s. No matter how big or small the band, they’re all treated equally. If they sign, they get treated with dignity and respect, and they get paid very well. I think they’ll come to realize this after what just happened to them.

“Roger, so good of you to come at the last minute like this. Much appreciated. Come on in. Bill and I already have the contract ready and waiting. Once you place the call, they’ll have forty-eight hours to accept or decline. Fair enough?”

“It sure is. Morris Music has a wonderful representation of its clients so they’d be crazy if they didn’t snatch this up right away. I’ll place the call as soon as I leave, and we’ll see what happens. Is there anything else you’d like to go over while you have the both of us here?” Oh, he knows me too well.

“Well, now that you mentioned it, what are your thoughts onLaid Bare? The band that opened forThe Sinful Seven?”

“They’re a great band. I’m sure after they open forWicked Immortalthey’ll hands-down get their own deal.” My thoughts exactly.

“I’m glad you said that. Get a look at their contract withWicked Immortal, and if there are any loopholes, I want to ask them to break it and sign with us. They won’t say no since a headliner makes more money than an opening act ever could.”

“With all due respect, Caleb, do you think it would be wise to take on so many new bands to the label at one time? That’s a lot of responsibility not only for you, but for your PA and team. Just thinking out loud, of course.” Roger’s always been a pain in my ass, but he knows his shit. It’s the only reason I keep him around.

“I understand your concern, Roger. I do. Would you rather I let them go and have other record companies snatch them up? Yes? No, I didn’t think so. If I had a crystal ball and I could see into the future I would have done a lot of things differently in my life. So, I don’t want to regret this one down the road too. Get your hands on the contract and then we’ll make a decision.”

“Yes, sir. I’ll get back to you as soon as I get my hands on it.” Just what I thought.

And that’s a wrap for another day in the life of Morris Music.


“The flower which is single need notenvythe thorns that are numerous.”

Rabindranath Tagore