Page 5 of Willow

Weekends are myfavorite.It means I get to spend time with my two favorite girls. One is already here playing with her dolls and the other will be here soon. My mother looks forward to spending time with Cadence and me on the weekends. Since my dad passed away a few years ago, she’s immersed herself into her art and Cadence. Mom loves pampering her son and granddaughter, and I’ll never forgo one of my mother’s wonderful meals. Sure beats the dried up dinner that I threw out last night.

I’m sitting on the floor playing with Cadence when the bell rings. She sucks in a breath, jumps up, and screams, “Baba, here.”

Barbara Jean Morris will never be a Nana, so Cadence calls her by her first name. She just has a hard time with all those r’s. “Hold up there, sweet pea. Don’t open the door until I check to see who’s there.”

She dances in place because she’s so excited but also knows the routine. Never open the door until we know who’s there. With a quick peek into the peep hole, I punch in the code to the alarm and my mom throws two bags of groceries in my arms before picking up her girl. “How’s my princess today?”

Since Cadence came around, I barely exist to my mother. She only has eyes for her sweet girl. “Make sure to unpack those bags, some things need to be refrigerated.”

“Good morning to you too, Mother.” She casually waves over her shoulder as she carries my little girl up to her room. It’s a Saturday ritual and I never interfere. What can I say, it’s girl time and they both love it.

I sort through the groceries and stick everything into the fridge and cupboards. Looks like we are having lasagna for dinner and you won’t hear any complaints from me. Cadence either. She loves pasta.

Since they’ll be busy for the next few hours, I decide to get in a workout. I purchased one of those new stationary bikes with the trainer built in. Sad to say I’ve only used it a few times, but in my defense I haven’t had a ton of free time. Let’s see if I can work up a sweat today.

After changing, I stride into my gym with a purpose. I love working out and it’s seriously the only thing I miss being able to do on a daily basis. My time’s either spent withMorris Musicor my sweet girl, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Some things need to take a back seat, and unfortunately exercising is one of them.

I browse through the manual that came with the bike before starting it up. I like that it has strength training as well as cardio. Once it boots up, I select a program and instructor and I’m off. Ninety minutes later, I’m sweating my ass off but feel amazing. It was a great workout and now I need to shower before the girls prepare lunch.

I’m walking into the kitchen just in time. I couldn’t have planned that better if I tried.

“Something smells delicious.” I pop a tomato in my mouth as I bend over and kiss Cadence on the top of her head. I chuckle when she quickly wipes it off. There’s nothing there but she thinks there is.

“I’m just prepping the sauce for tonight’s lasagna. Lunch is just a salad with some crusty bread. I hope that’s fine.” I grab a few plates from the cabinet and place them on the table. Mom is next, so I sneak in a kiss on her cheek when I go by. She smiles and touches my cheek before I can get away. “How’ve you been, Caleb?”

“Busy but good, so don’t even ask.” She worries that I’m still a bachelor. I can’t recall how many times I’ve told her that I’m fine with that. I only have eyes for one girl and she’s sitting at the head of the table right now. I wink at Cadence and she giggles.

“I won’t bother because I know I won’t get an honest answer.” She sighs. “You’re not getting any younger and I worry that after I’m gone and Cadence is on her own, you’ll be all alone.”

“I’m fine with that, I really am. Work keeps me busy and when she’s old enough to go to college and have a life of her own, I’ll travel more for my business. No worries, Mom. I don’t need anyone to hold my hand.”

We make small talk while we eat lunch, and Cadence is all too eager to add in her two cents. I could listen to her storytelling all day long and never get bored. She’s the sunshine in my dark and dreary world. I’m truly blessed to have such a sweet girl in my life.

With the sauce simmering on the stove, I send the girls off to the pool to go swimming. It’s a heated indoor pool so no worries about the inclement weather in New York. We can swim three hundred and sixty-five days a year.

Once I rinse and stack the dishes in the dishwasher, I head to my office. I’ll just check my personal emails to make sure there’s nothing important in my inbox. Then I’ll go sit by the pool with my favorite women.

I’m fuming when I punch in my password and recognize the email address I haven’t seen in ages. Allie, my damn ex, and Cadence’s good-for-nothing mother. What the fuck could she possibly want? It better not be money because if it is she’s barking up the wrong tree.


I hope you opened the email and didn’t ignore it out of spite. I know I’m not your favorite person but I had my reasons for leaving, Caleb. I would have caused more harm than good being around the both of you. Even my own mother who takes care of our girl doesn’t know why I left. She hasn’t spoken to me since. At least I know Cadence is in good hands with the both of you.

I had horrible post-partum depression, you were aware of that. And with Cadence having CF, I just couldn’t cope. I blame myself as I’m sure you did too, probably still do, and at the time I thought it best if I just walked away. I know what you’re thinking, talking about it wouldn’t have helped. I’m weak and you’re so strong and I’m sorry. So very sorry I left you alone with her. I still love you and I want to work things out…”

There’s no way I can read any more of this sniffling garbage! The gall, the audacity of this woman to reach out so many years later and upset my daughter! Never! Cadence has never asked about her mother since she has no idea what a mother is. Whenever that time comes, I’ll be as upfront and honest as I can be. Until then, Allie is dead to me. To us. After reading that email, it’s in my best interest to contact my lawyer.

A restraining order sounds like a good start.



The weekend wasuneventful to say the least. Mom and I tiptoed around each other after what happened. I totally understand. I’ve been on tour for so long that having me home for these past few months is cramping her style. She swears up and down that she’s not seeing anyone but spends all of her time texting and talking on the phone. Hey, she divorced the murderer, aka, my father, so she has the freedom to do whatever she wants.

Trevor’s picking me up in a few and we’re all meeting up at his house just like the old days. We can’t wait to devour all the delicious food his mom has waiting for us. I’m so thankful that she beat cancer and her treatments are over. Maybe now she can get on with her life and be healthy and happy. She deserves it more than anyone I know.

When I hear the car horn, I grab my stuff and head out the door. I’m hankering to play some music, so I hope the gang is too.