Page 47 of Willow

“I’d be honored. Here, hold up your hair for me.” The subtle touch of my hair, his warm breath on my neck, it’s making me want things that I can’t have.

Why did he have to have a child? Why? “It looks beautiful on you, Willow. It’s exactly where it belongs.” I couldn’t agree more.

“Thank you. It was very generous of you to have it fixed. I’ll treasure it forever.” I skip the part about never opening his locket again. Once was enough to last me a lifetime. She’s now forever etched in my mind.

“It was my pleasure. Would you like to go downstairs for a drink before heading back?” Boss Man’s not as jubilant as he was when we stepped inside. I know I’m to blame since his little plan backfired.

“Sure. I’m going to go wash my face. Give me ten.” Or twenty or a lifetime.

He knows me all too well when he pulls out the desk chair and has a seat, whipping out his phone, avoiding me. I understand. He’s hurt and it really is the last thing I wanted. He doesn’t deserve it but he overstepped. Again.

I take my time in the bathroom. Knowing if I do it’s less time I need to spend with him. As much as I would have loved to play catch up, the circumstances have changed.

Looking in the mirror, I smile. My locket’s right back where it belongs. Thanks to Caleb. With a deep breath, I open the door and get ready to face the music. In more ways than one.

“Lucas just texted to let us know there’s been an accident on the highway, so they’re heading back now. They’ll meet us at the venue.”

“Okay, so should we skip the bar and head back now?”

“I think that would be best. Maybe we can grab a drink after the concert instead.” Oh, that would be too dangerous. Drinks and nighttime do not mix. He’s just too damn sexy at that time of night.

“Sounds good to me.” I can feel my resistance slipping away the longer I look at him.

He calls ahead for his car to be ready and we leave the room. It’s been a whirlwind of a day, and it’s not over yet. When we step inside the elevator I have a burning desire to touch him, kiss him, and promise him that everything will work out. I don’t, because I know I’d be lying. It breaks my heart, but I don’t think in the grand scheme of things I’m going to change my mind.

The car’s waiting when we walk outside and the valet’s waiting with the door open. Caleb gives him a generous tip, slides in, and then we’re off. An uncomfortable silence follows. I desperately want to make it right, but I don’t want to give him false hope either. “Thank you for the beautiful gift, Caleb. I’ll treasure it forever.” Sounds stupid after the words leave my lips, but it’s too late to take it back.

“You’re very welcome. You can thank me properly when the tour’s over. As far as I’m concerned, nothing’s changed.” He’s wrong, though. Everything’s changed.

I don’t respond because what’s the point? If he wants to believe that we’ll get together when I get home, then let him. I don’t have the strength to fight with him anymore today.

You can feel the energy the moment we pull into the venue. Feels like something is in the air and tonight could be epic. I’m hoping it goes well and we can all move on.

“Are you going to watch the concert from backstage?” I need to know if he’ll be waiting in the wings when it’s over.

“Unfortunately there’s been a change of plans. I need to go home. I’ll catch you some other time.” He doesn’t give me a chance to question him before he leans down and kisses the fucking shit out of me. My mind is telling me to push him away, but my heart won’t allow it. If this is our last kiss, I want to enjoy it.

“Damn, you guys didn’t get your fill back at the hotel. Break it up, we have a concert to get ready for.” This time it’s Jet. He doesn’t fool me with his smart mouth because he has concern written all over his face. He knows something’s wrong by my body language.

Watching Caleb walk out that door and out of my life guts me. Yes, it’s my choice, but it doesn’t make it any easier. I’m ready to run after him when someone tucks me under their arm. Jet. He doesn’t breathe a word or tell me “I told you so.” He just pours out all of his strength and courage into my every pore. He knows, and he chooses to keep my secret. That’s what best friends do, and just that thought alone has me leaning into him as I silently weep. For what could have been and never will be.

* * *


To sayI’m crushedby her response would be an understatement. I’m devastated, and I only have myself to blame. I knew it could go either way and it didn’t go according to plan. Most things don’t. I’m not giving up, and if Willow thinks I am, she’s sadly mistaken. This was just a little setback. I have more up my sleeve, and shame on her for not being one step ahead.

There’s no doubt in my mind that she wanted me gone. So, I gave her the impression I had to leave. I’m not. Instead of watching from backstage, I’m in row six, seat two hundred and thirty-two. WatchingReckless Melody. They’re good, but they’re notThe Sinful Seven. Still, they also have a bright future ahead of them.

The crowd is going wild as the stage crew changes the set. The anticipation forThe SinfulSevenis extraordinary. It’s palpable and something I might not have experienced backstage. I want to see my girl in action from a fan’s standpoint. It’s been quite a long time since I experienced her in her element, and I want to do it again. It also takes all the pressure off of her since she thinks I’ve left.

When Pete steps out onto the stage to introduce the band, the screaming and chanting ensue. Loud, raucous, and deafening. “Now the moment you’ve all been waiting for! Put your hands together forThe Sinful Seven!”

Lucas, being the great lead man he is, feeds the crowd. “Hello, Brooklyn! It’s great to be here with all of you tonight. Are you ready to bring down the fucking house?”

Trevor taps out the first beat, and they all jump in seamlessly.

The rapport between Jet and Lucas is flawless. They play off one another as their screaming fans chant their names. While Trevor works the audience into a heated frenzy on his kit. My eyes are constantly on Willow as she pours her heart and soul onto that stage. A brilliant performance. I also catch her touching her locket every now and again, giving me hope.